Alternatives to RO water?


So I'm about to start my first (serious) saltwater tank. I got a relatively new (no damage or leaks) 55 gallon tank from a friend, and will be setting up the tank soon.
Is there any cheap alternative to RO water that's acceptable?


Active Member
No... but you may can buy some from your LFS until you get a RO/DI unit. Distilled water can also be used but the cheapest water is water made from your own RO/DI unit... in the long run.


you could possibly use tap water,But...... You would definately have to check your local water report to see how the quality is! Most people can not use tap...very few can.


Originally Posted by Fishcake
you could possibly use tap water,But...... You would definately have to check your local water report to see how the quality is! Most people can not use tap...very few can.
Well, if it's any comparison, the LFS employees told me to just use tap water for my freshwater tank. I know saltwater tanks are a lot more fragile, but they said the tap water here (Oakland, CA) is perfectly fine for freshwater tanks (I didn't ask about salt water tanks).


New Member
I use tap water with additives to remove chlorine and heavy metals. My tanks have always thrived, I have not had any excessive alage problems or anything like that. I am sure RO water is great stuff but IMO I think it is a bit over hyped.


Active Member

Originally Posted by ReefNut
Tap water can cause MAJOR problems. Why not buy a 100 RO/DI to protect 1000s??


Originally Posted by madandgloa
I use tap water with additives to remove chlorine and heavy metals. My tanks have always thrived, I have not had any excessive alage problems or anything like that. I am sure RO water is great stuff but IMO I think it is a bit over hyped.

I used tap water once.And I had a real bad red alage problem.Even if you remove chlorine and heavy metels you still have a nitrate problem with tap water.


madandgloa i don't know about your water but im a few miles from you in spring hill near olathe and i don't even like to drink my water our water is so bad i have to change my pre filter every 4-6 weeks and it gets dark brown
have you been to our kansas city reef board


New Member
I will check out the board. I have not had red alage problems. Tap water CAN cause major problems, this does not mean it always does.


New Member
If I have tap water now and do buy a RO/DI unit what do I need to do to change over? Can I just start using it to top off and do water changes and eventually over a few monts basicly convert over?


New Member
So, I do not need to drain the tank or anything like that? Like I said before tap is working fine but I would not mind switching over.


Originally Posted by bemaniac
So I'm about to start my first (serious) saltwater tank. I got a relatively new (no damage or leaks) 55 gallon tank from a friend, and will be setting up the tank soon.
Is there any cheap alternative to RO water that's acceptable?
Unless you make it yourself distilled is the only other source i would trust.


Originally Posted by madandgloa
So, I do not need to drain the tank or anything like that? Like I said before tap is working fine but I would not mind switching over.
as long as your not having any problems yet then you could just start using it for topoff and water changes