am I a dog? (halide ringing)


New Member
Been waiting for the break in 100 hours to see if my new halide addition would stop ringing. It's got at least that long on it and still has a very high pitched whine, almost like a dog whistle. Ive tried rotating the lamp & socket to no avail. Ballast is Icecap 175, lamp is Aqualine 10K, socket is ceramic($5 at local hardware)with DIY bracket and reflector. Any suggs? Thanx.


New Member
Ringing is from the bulb itself. All of my ballasts are under the tank. Are you saying that a bad ballast could make the bulb ring?
reach under your tank and feel the balast. If it has a definite vibration, it is a bad ballast. If not, I have no idea. Never had one do this unless the ballast was bad.


New Member
No vibration from ballast. Ring tone changes when I rotate socket(like screwing bulb but I can turn the whole assembly) Thanks anyway for the ballast info steamboat.
Been there, done that. Never could figure out why it was happening. I've had this happen with both 175 watt MH and 250 watt MH. Eventually it stopped in all cases, but unable to conclusively determine what caused it nor why it stopped on its own.