am i asking for ich?


i want a show fish for my 29g FOWLR. i have only a small clown, damsel and wrasse. want to add a Lemon Peel Angel, or maybe Coral Beauty. will it be ok in tank this size? the vendor of this site recommends 50g min. any alternate show fish you recommend?
you guys rule, so thx in advance


Adding any fish from what you already have would then be called overstocking. Your not technically asking for ich but your really asking for trouble which can be more than ich.


In my past experience I doubt that they would be happy. There would be territorial problems with the damsel and angel. Your damsel is probably the most dominant in the tank.


dont mean to be argumentative but my damsel is lame. he is the smallest and after some initial feeling out of each other these three guys get along really well. so...any ideas for a 4th? i really want that lemon peel!


get him small like 2 and a 1/2 max when u buy him
if u make ur aqua acaping right maybe i "line" of rocks up the middle and two big cave in the middle on the side so the 4 corners are open and u had a bunch of rock maybe 50lbs u could do it for a long time they would all have there own territory
if the waterquality is good and feed them well the angle wont be stressed and potentialy do well
u could even get one other small bottom dwelling fish like a gobie or blennie
good luck


New Member
If I were you I would go ahead and get that lemon peel, It should work out for you, and then eventually upgrade.


you could add the lemon, and nothing bad could happen. But you are just lowering your chances of succes, thats all


Originally Posted by LAZARUS
4 small fish the size of a dime would be overstocking? what is the formula again?
I was told it's 3 gallons of water per 1 inch of fish. For example: a 3 inch percula = 9 gallons.


It will be fine I would think.. you may eventually have to get rid of your damsel or somthing somewhere down along the lines.. but who cares.. they get ugiler when they get older.. and very territorrial so by then you prob wont even like the lil guy anymore! lol


i did get rid of one damsel already....he went back to LFS for being a bully.
thanks to all and dont worry, a 100 g is on the way for all these guys.
man this is an addicting hobby!