Am I Asking for Trouble?



I have a 75 gallon reef tank that is home to 4 fish......Sixline wrasse, PJ cardinal, Flamehawk, and Yellow-tailed blue damsel. The fish have been by themselves for about 6 months now and I recently tried to add a Midas Blenny. The Sixline made his life miserable, chasing him back into his hole everytime he ventured out. I removed the blenny and things went back to normal. I would very much like to add another (bigger?) fish. Possibly a Kole Tang or a Yellow Tang. Am I asking for trouble or would the Sixline leave one of these fish alone? TIA


The six line is still a wrasse, even if it is a docile one. I had one that got along fine in a nanoreef, but it was the smallest fish in there, along with a small sailfin tang and a purple fredmani. I think you'd be fine with another fish as long as its bigger than the wrasse. If it keeps attacking other fish though, i'd see if your lfs will take it for some store credit. no reason to build your whole tank around one



Thanks for your input goblue:) A tang will most likely be my last fish and I was hoping the size difference would make a difference between it and the sixline. The sixline is full grown and large for its type. I've always heard that tangs could handle themselves so hopefully things will be okay.....I'd sure hate to tear the tank down to take the wrasse out!


My six line is a feisty little guy and he decided that anyone who moved into the hood needed to be put in their place. I give him a time out in the sump for a week or so after I add a new contestant and when he got out of 'the slam' he was the new kid on the block.... "I coulda been a contendah"....