Am I bad?


Active Member
So, one of my biggest pet peeves is having to go everywhere and hear garbage, like this is "green" or "Eco-friendly." Like have you ever seen that show on HG-TV Designer showdown or something, where they take a picture of an ugly house or something, then on their set they rebuild the ugly room. And turn around and have 2 different pairs of designers re-model the SET. Then they turn around and say, they are using "eco-friendly" materials and plans. Now I may be missing something, but between building a room twice, lighting both a rooms for building, a furniture/minihomedepot/warehouse set, and small lumberyard slash garage. Then building and tearing down 4 rooms. It just ticks me off. There are these people who have the nerve to tell me to how I should be "eco-friendly" but ignore what they are really doing.
But this leads me to my question, with the mounting pressure from everything from the Discovery channel to NBC have a "green set" (for a week) all I want to do is go into the sustainable forum and raise cane, between taking wild caught fish out of the ocean to our Metal Halides there is NOTHING about our hobby that is "eco-friendly." And well, I find it very hypocritical and downright ridiculous to insinuate that someone a person's tank no matter if he got the sand from another person's tank, and has light tubes running to his tank is "environmentally friendly."
Now up to this point I've been able to hold me political debates here in the aquarium, but isn't the whole idea of "eco-friendly" anything a political topic and a gold digging opportunity for the likes of al gore?
Does that make me bad?


Active Member
Originally Posted by KingSmith
u are all bad
lol as man made global-warming I am, I've driven a "fuel efficient" car for years from a truck that got 8 mpg. I air up my tires religiously, I keep my house around 82. Live in an energy star apartment with double pane windows and tons of Attic insulation, don't use a lot of toilet paper. I love the look of bamboo floors. Recycle. And all that crap they say to do. But not because I like the earth but because I'm cheep and all that stuff adds up. That and I don't want to be buying tires because they wore out to quick.

salty blues

Active Member
You're not bad, you are just fed up like me of hearing and seeing all this politically correct crap and alarmist tree-hugging hype about how we are all destroying the earth.
Half the crap is untrue and the rest is questionable. And I challenge anyone to name anything done for the sake of the "environment" that doesn't end up hitting you hard in your pocketbook.


Instead of irresponsibly throwing away some melted ice cream I donated it to Al Gore. He, obviously, ate it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by abethedog
Instead of irresponsibly throwing away some melted ice cream I donated it to Al Gore. He, obviously, ate it.
That icecream melted becuase of global warming. We should all be ashamed.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
That icecream melted becuase of global warming. We should all be ashamed.
I hope you are kidding. If not, then I suppose that farting cows and belching volcanoes, along with many other natural processes of nature should also be ashamed.
Oh yes, don't forget all of us who keep reef tanks with our live rock and creatures captured from the oceans along with all the power our tanks consume and the toxic materials used to make the lighting, etc. to keep them running.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Salty Blues
I hope you are kidding. If not, then I suppose that farting cows and belching volcanoes, along with many other natural processes of nature should also be ashamed.
Hey, humans fart too, so you should be double ashamed. ....I should be triple... quadruple on rib night...
Of course I'm kidding.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
lol as man made global-warming I am, I've driven a "fuel efficient" car for years from a truck that got 8 mpg. I air up my tires religiously, I keep my house around 82. Live in an energy star apartment with double pane windows and tons of Attic insulation, don't use a lot of toilet paper. I love the look of bamboo floors. Recycle. And all that crap they say to do. But not because I like the earth but because I'm cheep and all that stuff adds up. That and I don't want to be buying tires because they wore out to quick.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
My car is idling right not with the A/C on high and the windows open!
my Mom does that. she drives around like that most of the summer. and then in the winter, instead of turning down the heat when it gets too hot, she leaves it on full blast and opens the windows.
i don't get it. i never have. i never will.