Am I feeding too much or too little to my tank.

coleby s.

New Member
Around 4pm i feed the fish, shrimp, crabs, and snails either a quarter of a cube of brine or some flake food and maby a little bit of fish to my shrimp and crab every once and a while. At night, every night once my tank lights go out, i feed my shrimp and hermit crabs pellet food because i figured the fish would not have as much of a chance to find the food, at least until the morning. Do you think i am feeding enough. I do think i give proper portions, but is feeding my tank(7gal.) twice a day bad.


i have always heard that they need to eat everything within two min. (once a day) then your giving to much you dont need any extra staying on the bottom to biuld up.But im still new!!!!!!!

coleby s.

New Member
ok... well i mean, most days i only feed them a little flake or a little brine, occasionaly a small bit of fish to the shrimp and crabs...... and of course some pellet at night... so you think i should cancel out the pellet......

coleby s.

New Member
on the days that i feed them flake do you think it would be okay to also feed some pellet or glass minnows to the shrimp and crabs. and just feed them all brine on the other days.