Am I going overboard?


I'm replacing my emperor filters with a sump not because its better but because my son's bedroom is behind the wall and the filter noise and vibrations wake him up. I'm afraid I'm becoming a vctim of "while I'm at it...." in that i want to upgrade everything. My water is fine, and i know I will be fine with about 350-450 gph flowing through the sump but I want to maintain the 680 gph my current filters give me. My skimmer is rated for a 90 gal tank and mine is a 75, but I keep looking to upgrade that too. I guess what I'm asking is am I wasting money or am I going to improve things by going with excess capacity?


Active Member
With more capacity you have more water circulation if you have a refugeium that will also benifit the main tank.. However if your display tank is not drilled (reef ready) you will have to get a overflow box which are generally pretty loud (I can vouch for that) so if noise is the only reason, you will be wasting money. Unless you drill your tank


I use an overflow tube with a skimmer box for my refugium and its quiet enough. The vibration from the skimmer is whats bad and the only other place I can put it is in a sump as my refugium is too small. Another reason to do a sump.