Am I in Trouble?


I have 2 DTs and 1 QT tank. The DTs are 75g (reef) and 55g (FOWLR) QT is 20g.
I just noticed my yellow tail damsel in the 55g tank was scratching and had visible white spots. I decided to hypo the entire tank, just a damsel and snowflake eel. I put the LR in the QT because i have never run any copper or anything like that in it. There is only a 1/4-1/2 inch of sand in the 55g so i decided to leave it in and just keep an eye on the ammonia nitrate etc. I removed 3 Nassarius snails and a purple pincushion urchin from the 55g, (i guess its not a FOWLR :thinking: ) drip acclimated them to my 75g and placed them in the 75g. I soon realized that I had possibly just exposed my 75g to ich!!

The 75g has some assorted mushrooms, a Bangaii Cardinal, a Six-Line Wrasse, 2 cleaner shrimp and 2 clown fish. Are the chances that the 3 snails I put in there are about to give me another run with ich pretty high?


I would certainly keep a very close eye on the fish in your reef. The snails did come out of a tank with ich, the chance is there.


are you using a uv sterilizer? if so, no worries mate! :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by phishface
are you using a uv sterilizer? if so, no worries mate! :happyfish
That is incorrect information. Please stop posting everywhere about the UV sterilizer.
There is a very good chance that you exposed your 75 to ich, as well. Keep a close eye on everything.


would believe it to help ,but i don't think it will do the whole job. I would go with of treatment to. I would think uv would help a fish from not getting ick but once it get ich the uv would just kill the ich that it come in contract with not all the ick in the tank or the ick on the fish. They got many way of treating ick but uv only .i think you would lead this guy into killing his fish.


Thanks for the input everyone. I will keep a very close eye on everyone in my reef tank and keep my fingers crossed. Maybe i will get lucky, but i doubt it.


I was able to conquer ich (that what it sounds like you have) on my Scopas by just adding garlic and nutrients to it's food and making sure it had plenty of food to eat. It stopped scratching the next day and a few days later there were no more visible spots.
My LFS does FW dips. They use tap water heated and ph balanced to match tanks... then dip the fish in for 10 min... maybe the chlorine helps kill the ich... dunno. I was able to save a hippo tang once by doing a hypo salinity, but hypo sal. takes a llooooooonnnngggg time. The second time I tried it, my blenny died before I got the salinity low enough.
Good luck.


Originally Posted by Integral9
I was able to conquer ich (that what it sounds like you have) on my Scopas by just adding garlic and nutrients to it's food and making sure it had plenty of food to eat. It stopped scratching the next day and a few days later there were no more visible spots.
My LFS does FW dips. They use tap water heated and ph balanced to match tanks... then dip the fish in for 10 min... maybe the chlorine helps kill the ich... dunno. I was able to save a hippo tang once by doing a hypo salinity, but hypo sal. takes a llooooooonnnngggg time. The second time I tried it, my blenny died before I got the salinity low enough.
Good luck.
FW dips and feeding garlic only help to remove the parasite from the fish, it does not remove ich from the system. These are temporary fixes. The ich will continue to breed in the tank and attach to the fish. The entire tank or all of the fish would need to be treated if ich does show up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mess88
does maine max remove ich
No - no reef safe medication kills ich. The only things that kill ich are copper and hyposalinity.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
No - no reef safe medication kills ich. The only things that kill ich are copper and hyposalinity.
I 100% agree. Some fish are copper sensitive hyposalinity is the preferred choice.


what's it do than see two tank that had ich. Put marine max in and fish have no sigh of ich after. ? thanks just wondering what it does.