Am I Ok For Corals????


Ok so reading alot out there and getting mixed feedback so starting my own thread... I have a Coralife PC and Current PC lighting system with lunar lights. 130 and 150 W respectively. Can I do soft corals in a 30 gal setup? All other conditions in tank good. I have been up and running for two months. The tank is awesome running well and healthy. So is this lighting, sufficient from wattage viewpoint, quality of light, depth of tank etc., OK for some soft corals? Thanks.


Active Member
You have plenty of lighting for soft corals and LPS. You may want to wait untill your tank is more established before you start adding corals and make sure your nitrates, calcium and other parameters are good.


Active Member
I have had corals for a little while now and my tank is about 2 months old. I haven't had any problems with them because most of the ones I got are hardy. Green star polyp, leathers ect. I'm not saying I did it right and I am a know it all but as long as your levels have been established and you keep quality water in the tank I would say (based on my experience) I would go for it with hardy stuff.