Am i overstocked??


I have a 75 gallon Flower with about 40 pounds of LR and a protein skmmer.
I have a 4 inch porc puffer.
a 2-3 inch picasso trigger
a 4 inch stars and stripes puffer
a 6 inch panther grouper.


Active Member
It may be alright, for the time being, but each of those fish will outgrow the tank.
Max sizes, of each:
porc puffer - aprox. 16"
picasso trigger - 10" - 12"
stars and stripes puffer - aprox. 16"
panther grouper - 30"


is there any way to find out the growth rate of fish??? The picasso trigger i have as not grown a half inch and I have had him for about 7 months. but the panther grouper i have only have for 3 months and it has trippled in size! I hear triggers can stunt there groth though is this true??? Im actually kinda wanting them to outgrow the tank beacuase im looking at getting a 125g or a 150g.
How long do u think i have before i must upgrade???


Active Member
IMO, you'll have to upgrade within 6 months if the fish are given a proper diet and ideal water conditions.
But, a 125gal. or 150gal. is not going to be big enough for those fish. If you plan on keeping them all, you'll be looking at a 240 - 350 gallon tank.
There really is no set way to tell growth rates. As you've already witnessed, some fish grow faster than others. That Panther is going to continue to grow faster than the others and if it has the chance, it'll try to eat the smaller fish.


I see.
wow so you really think i need a 300??? Thats huge and i doubt i will be able to get a tank that big.
btw what is the proper diet for these fish???
I currently feed mysis, brine, silver sides. And liek once a month live feeder fish (Not freshwater) from what i hear feeding saltwater fish freshwater fish is very very very very bad.
Last question. Can saltwater fish stunt there growth or will they simply grow untill they get stressed out and die!?
Thanks AW2!
Also AW2 i posted a thread about my tank being cloudy could u look at that thred and give me some advice?


Active Member
Undoubtedly, at least a 240...but that's still a little small, IMO...again, it's just my opinion, but those are all large fish. As I said before, if given proper habitat, they will reach those lengths.
Mysis is ok, for small fish but your guys are getting up there, in size and need some more substance, to their diet. Brine is basically useless and holds no nutritional value for those types of fish. Silversides are basically bones and water.
You'll need to get them over to a diet of krill, octopus, squid, chopped live feeders.
And will not stunt their growth. They will, as you said, continue to grow and get stressed and die in an undersized tank.


Active Member
I just wanted to point out that you could probably get a credit for the fish (maybe more than your expense) at a LFS or sale paper. That way you could get rid of what you want in order to keep the tank. However, if you keep any, not sure the tank will be big enough.


well here is the thing. My mom will let me get a bigger tank when the fish outgrow this one beacause she gets attached to her pets very easily. So I kinda want them to get bigger and then get a bigger tank. But sadly i think a 180 is the biggest tank i could get. So these fish mught still be to big..


Active Member
A 180 is big in my book but not big enough for all your fish. Put some knee pads on and do some major begging!!!


just my opinion, however, if you trade in the panther, you should be ok for a while with your 75 gallon until you are able to get the bigger tank.
As you have experienced, the panther is goingot grow very fast and I estimate in 3 months be stressing in you 75.
Dxtr -


I would have to agree with you. its absolutly incredible how fast this fish grows. every day it looks bigger!
I would like the picasso trigger to grow a bit but I dont think its going to for along long time.
Anyways I want to keep this panther grouper so ill see what i can do..
Are you guys sure it would not be ok in a 180???


Active Member
Originally Posted by DrewCo
Are you guys sure it would not be ok in a 180???
Absolutely positive. And, have you seen an adult Panther Grouper...they're quite ugly. lol They lose those cute black spots and white color and turn a greyish/tan.