am I ready for fishy's?


Hey all I have been cycling my tank for 16 days had LR, dead shrimp & used seachem stability I did a 10% water change 3 days ago now the water is super clear. My reading are as follows amm=0 trites=0 trates=10 ph=8.2 salt 1.024 temp at 80F. I still have brown alge on the sand but not lots. I also need to know when should I change some of my bio-media? I have a amm alert for back up shows water is safe. am I ready for a fish? I was thinking a clown or a damsel somthing simple, what about a clean up crew, or should I wait for my alge to turn green befor I put in a clean up crew? I cant wait, but can if I must.... Let me know


I used a dead shrimp & the LR. My amm spiked at about 2ppm on about day five & trites spiked .5ppm on about day 11.


:jumping: Cool I just wanted to be sure I know my tank cycled fast so I dont want any problems like harming fish or worse. Now for the payoff. :happyfish thanks all! Any recomendations on a good starter fish? I dont want somthing picky to start, I want to see how the tank reacts as well.


Active Member
How big is this tank? Is it going to have corals?
Remeber that saltwater fish live a long time unless you kill them, so don't rush into things. Read up on various fish and decide what you like. Marine Fishes by Scott Michael is a great, inexpensive book to give you ideas.


Active Member
also just buy one fish to start you want to add fish slowly so your tank adjusts and no damsels if you get damsels you will regret it


My tank is 60g. not sure about coral but I would have to say yes. I do not want to rush into thing, & thanks for the damsel advice. & I weill take it slow with adding fish I dont want to crash my tank now. I thinf the book Marine Fishes by Scott Michael is a great idea & will look for it, or at least one like it. Thanks for the adice any more advice is welcome
remember I'm new at this & want do it right. BTW for lighting I have two 65W bulb 12000K DAYLIGHT & two 65W antinic BULB for a total of 260w its more than 4wats per gal.