Am I Ready Yet???


OK, my 225g tank is 6 months old, I finally have my MH lights...(water parameters are excellent) now my lighting is 1084W....Am I finally ready for an anemone???? I was thinking about starting with a bta..hoping my 2 (perc) clowns would host it...eventually I would also like to have a lta...but I think I will take one at a time....OPINIONS PLEASE???


Go for it
A bta would be perfect for your tank and would be a good choice as your first anemone. So nice to hear someone actually preparing and educating themselves before the purchase, bravo! That is my opinion.
Want to see it once you get it.


Well I hate to admit this, but I was (before this site) falsely led to believe that an anemone could survive under cf lights, so I have already killed a couple
...I am happy to admit thought that I am NOT willing to do that again...which is why I have purchased the MH lights, and am asking for experienced peoples opinions.


I lost one too in the very begining, my lighting was not great but it should have been ok had I moved it up, it chose a spot on the bottom and I didn't know enough to move it. Well it's sad to see so many die due to ignorance and misinformation from LFS. Additionally I know how people feel when they find out it is their fault, that sure made me feel horrible. You are on the right track now
and that is what matters. Too bad your not closer, you could buy one of mine, I have so many now and I need to sell a few.


You have many cause they split? I am not close to anything...LOL...don't have a true lfs, I buy a lot online...from find their stock to be the best, and their guarantees even better....I am waiting for a specific fish to come in stock, and when it does I will be ordering my new bta.


I have 6 right now
4 in one tank

and my most rescent split in another

They are all desended from the same rbta.