am i ready


hi my tank is about 1 3/4 months old and i was wondering if i could get my first fish? i also plan to make it a reef tank.
i have 96 watts of t5, stealth heater, bio fiber filter with surface skimmer, for filter media i have seachem seagel, marineland activated carbon, and bio filter modules.
right now in the tank i have 12-15lbs. of lr, 20 lbs. live sand.
right now i am just testing for the basics and i will get more andvanced when i get ready for a reef.
temp 81
trates 5
trites 0
amm 0
ph 8.2
i went ahead and got calcium test kit
calcium 400
in the tank currently i have 2 blueleg hermits and one turbo snail.
here are the fish i think i want
pair of percula clowns
purple firefish
yellow clown goby
oh yeah tank is a twenty gal and i use ro water


Originally Posted by fish2
hi my tank is about 1 3/4 months old and i was wondering if i could get my first fish? i also plan to make it a reef tank.
i have 96 watts of t5, stealth heater, bio fiber filter with surface skimmer, for filter media i have seachem seagel, marineland activated carbon, and bio filter modules.
right now in the tank i have 12-15lbs. of lr, 20 lbs. live sand.
right now i am just testing for the basics and i will get more andvanced when i get ready for a reef.
temp 81
trates 5
trites 0
amm 0
ph 8.2
i went ahead and got calcium test kit
calcium 400
in the tank currently i have 2 blueleg hermits and one turbo snail.
here are the fish i think i want
pair of percula clowns
purple firefish
yellow clown goby
oh yeah tank is a twenty gal and i use ro water
You are ready for your first fish. Only add one right now. Go for the goby. He will produce a small bioload to help build up the biological filtration. If it is a twenty then the pair of clowns and the goby is about all you can have for fish. Your tank is not ready for a pair yet and they should be added together. They don't have to be, but it is better if they are.


I would do one thing before you put in a fish, you should try to lower your temp.
81 is going to be high


Originally Posted by fishkid2
High the temp the less oxygen will be in the aquarium though.
Absolutely true, but there should be enough water flow in any system that this would not make a difference.
Originally Posted by fish2

insread of the goby could i get a purple psuedochromis
Go for the least aggressive fish first.