am i ready?


Hi all....
I have a 46g tank which has been cycling for 4 weeks now!
I have a deeps sand bed (4-6 inches) and started the cycle with about 30lb of fully cured live rock and shrimp. my water conditions now are (for the past 4 days):
PH 8.2
ammonia ~ 0
nitite ~ 0
nitrate ~ 10
Temp ~ 80
is it time for a water change and my first fish (clown) yet?
Thanks in advance.... This site is AWSOME.....:D


Active Member
You say these are the conditions now. Did you notice a spike prior to now in the levels? If so, then you may very well be ready.
You should be able to do a water change now - 10%-20%.
Add fish slowly. If you are just starting with a clown, that is good.
from what i have learned on this site...thanks seems like you are ready to go as long as your nitrates and ammonia are 0 then you are done with your cycle...your ph and your temp are correct so happy fishin...i wish i was at your point...
It sounds like you are ready to me, good luck with your tank!! I would go ahead do the water change let it set for a day or two and then get the clown.


BUZZ= i did notice a ammonia and nitrite spike; for only a couple of days!
all right :D i'm so excited!!! looks like i'll be busy doing a small water change tomor.
Thank you all for helping.... i have learned a LOT from this board!


ok, i did about a 10 gallon water change about 5 days ago and my nitrates still read about 10. no change from before! everything is the same:
Salinity ~ 1.022
PH ~ 8.2
ammonia ~ 0
nitrites ~ 0
What do you guys think? can i still get a clown? or do more water change?


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by lagatbezan
ok, i did about a 10 gallon water change about 5 days ago and my nitrates still read about 10. no change from before! everything is the same:
Salinity ~ 1.022
PH ~ 8.2
ammonia ~ 0
nitrites ~ 0
What do you guys think? can i still get a clown? or do more water change?

I would go slowly with the fish. Try one or two and don't feed them of a day or two after they are added. Then watch the nitrites. You may never see a short amonia spike, but nitirte spike will last a day or two. If the nitrites peg the test immediately stop feeding the fish until nitrites come down. Feed lightly if nitrites have a minor spike.
Nitrates will never come down to 0.0 with water changes. Algaes use the nitrates as food. The algaes are what will control nitrates. Also 10PPM is quite acceptable for fish with fish able to handle amounts 3-4 times that great.
Sounds like you are doing fine.


One of my lfs owners told me today that a water change after the cycle is not needed. I have read many times on here that it is.
What are the plusses and minuses of the water change after the cycle? Thanks.


i thought after cycling your test results have to be consistent for a full week before the first water change.


Active Member
I'd say you ready for a clown fish too.
Since you used cured live rock and the shrimp method to cycle - your tank is most likely done with the initial cycle.
Doing a small water change is fine.
Acclimate the fish as instructed - and you should be good to go.
Now comes the fun part - but patience is still advised. You're on your way now - but take it slow.
Good luck - would love to see a pic of your 46 and new clown.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by JRein40806
One of my lfs owners told me today that a water change after the cycle is not needed. I have read many times on here that it is.
What are the plusses and minuses of the water change after the cycle? Thanks.

I do not do any water changes. And that always brings a bunch of comments :D . Therefore, a waterchange after the initial cycle is unnecessary.


from what i have learned on this site...thanks seems like you are ready to go as long as your nitrates and ammonia are 0 then you are done with your cycle...your ph and your temp are correct so happy fishin...i wish i was at your point...
noaquariumyet - Nitrites and ammonia should be 0.


Thanks everyone for all your help! i will be getting my first fish today!!!!
broomer5.... i will definitly post some pics. :D