Am I the only one that didn't know about this??


Active Member
I just saw this. Am I the only person on the face of the earth that knew nothing of this?

On February 17, 2009, U.S. analog television broadcasts will end. If you don't have a digital TV and don't want to get one, you'll have to convert the DTV signal to one your analog TV can get. If you receive your signal over the air, you will have to get a converter box for your analog set. For more information on the digital conversion, including information on a government coupon program for converter boxes, go to:
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To find out more about the Coupons being issued by request from the U.S. Government -- Click here to go directly to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration website.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Yep, you're the only one that didn't know.
I guess over two years without outside TV input kinda impedes one's ability to soak up information regarding television.


Active Member
they were supoosed to do this in 2006
theres no way they can make millions of people buy converters or be without a tv signal
isnt gonna happen


Active Member
thats what you get for cuttin' TV outta your life..

just kidding. I don't get it. BUT the past few years the new TV's have this already built in. But the one's that have tv's (god forbid) that are older than a few years (my grandparents still had a turn knob
in their kitchen....worked great) they will be SOL. And knowing how some people are, these coupon supplemented converter boxes will be on ---- for a TON of money :mad:


I was told about this like 2 years ago when I upgraded my cable box. They gave me the digital for no extra charge (lol yeah............out of the kindness of their heart
) I was upgrading anyway. They did tell us that there would be a charge to switch later. They tried to switch as many as possible at once. I believe they continued to do this for awhile. I don't think they do it anymore. I am not positive on that. They will make alot on those that didn't upgrade though.


Active Member
I didnt know... :notsure:
I dont watch regular TV at all (this includes cable) so it doesnt affect my life, but I feel for you....


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
I may never watch TV again.

you'd be amazed at how much more free time you end up with....


New Member
just got a hd tv in feb.. i have direct tv(lousy service).. they gave me the hd reciever, and saturday was the sixth time of trying to get a dish put on the house. after 2 hrs, the nstaller and a supervisor.. who btw said he wasnt climbing the ladder that high (then why is the ladder on his truck?) told my gf to get on the roof and do it herself.. then threw his arms up and told me to go to comcast and left... real professional huh?? but aside from that i love the hd..... so clear..