Am I the only one who gets bored with fish?


I've been reading all these posts about how to stock ur tank, and to account for max size and all, but I dunno, I've actually never kept a fish for more than a year because I get bored with them. I usually trade em with LFS and get something new. Am I the only one who gets bored with fish? I feel like I always need something new...I dunno, anyone else like this?


Active Member
Never get bored with fish but have in the past traded fish I didnt care for too much.
I have a four year old clown that I like and kind of enjoy seeing how long I can keep this fish happy and healthy.


Active Member
That my friend is the curse of this hobby. The feeling that we must have something more, or something new. I have tried fighting it for years and have lost the battle now I just get that feeling and go with it welcome to Salt.


I used to be just like you, getting bored with a fish after a few months or a year, and tradeing them in for something new. I think I have found a cure for it, I just set up another tank, I don't know how long my wife will let this go on, she has not said anything yet, but I know one day it will come to a stop. Good Luck


Active Member
guppie; Your right at some point she will be all over you (been there done that as I say). My wife finally gave up when she realized ahe could not change my compulsive fish buying ways, but it took a while and a lot of discussion (a nice word for what it really was lol).


Active Member
We choose the fish the same way we choose all our pets, after all once they come home with us they are a part of our family. Of coarse we can't pick up and hold our fish, but we love them just the same.
Later Lisa


LionFish says......
I have never had to take back any fish except for a couple tiger barbs awhile ago. They tore aprt a Firemouth. Anyways, I buy fish and become attached to them. I will never be able to get rid of my Lions or Archers. They are like family. My fish are my pets. My wife has 5 cats so I have to deal with them. I have all my tanks and my dog. Basically I feel bad about taking them back. It's like I can imagine their little voices saying, "No, please master, don't take me back there." It just creeps me out and I look at them and see their little eyes and I know I couldn't get rid of them.


Active Member
Lionfish, you are a big softy!!! I think the same way, the one and only time we took a fish back to the lfs,(Undalated Trigger) I felt sooo bad! I went in several times to check on him. He wasn't a bad fish, just liked to eat all our snails and crabs, only natural. Later Lisa


Wow, weird, guess I am not the only one. I too get upset if something happens to my fish. My girlfriend is always telling me to stop worrying about my tanks. I sometimes think the hobby is going to leave me broke and with a bad heart :)
Anyhow..this hobby can be expensive and buying things you shouldnt on impulse is bad, trust me I know this :)


Active Member
I have approched the above mentioned problems from a different perspective. When I have a fish that doesn't fit in I just set up another tank (that is why I have so many). I do not recommend this way of doing things but that is how I did it. Now the problem is most of my fish are getting older (oldest are almost 8 now) and some have gotten bigger causing me to have to stop buying fish as I used to (thank the lord for that good fortune). Now I have the problem of having 4 fish in grow out tanks (as I call them) waiting for new digs and at the moment I am hesitant to move anything, as everything is going first rate at the moment and I hate to mess that good luck up.
when i was younger i used to covert my tanks from salt to fresh to brackish and back countless times ,i hav blown so much money on fish and now i,am older and wiser i,ll do it right the first time and if i get bored i,ll get another tank or tanks , fish are like a drug once your hooked thats it , :D :rolleyes: :D


Yeah, I had an old 20 gallon and I did the exact same thing as you clowntrigger2k...sooo many conversions from saltwater, cichlids, african cichlids..etc...etc...