Am I to late for her?


Well as you know I lost my male today as I posted. I just noticed my female now has white stuff on her tail area. It was something I washed off with freshwater but not sure what it was. I know he passed just a bit ago tonight
and now I am seeing this on her. What could it be? How can I treat it? Water change obviously is done but I am wondering if it was something she caught from him and if I will now be to late to treat it. It has been a rough day here at the house. I would hate to loose her as well in the same week!


Well-Known Member
Where on the tail? If it's near the tip of the tail, could be tail rot disease. You will have to act quickly if this is the case; tail rot is usually a bacterial Vibrio infection that is very hard to cure because it acts so quickly. Go to google, type in "seahorse tail rot treatment" (without the scare quotes of course) and select the first link you see. Might help.


Thanks for the info it wasn't that. It was more towards the middle or closer to her back. I am pretty sure it was food that had tagged to her from her swimming to catch it. I checked her out this AM and there is nothing thereon her anymore since rinse. I was just scared cause of the loss of my other and scared of loosing her to. Jumped to comclusions you know? Better safe then sorry though. Looked at the links though and thankfully it was not that!


Active Member
I'd put her in a small quarantine tank ASAP. What type of meds do you have? When a seahorse gets sick they go down hill fast. It's best to treat them as if they are sick, especially since you just lost her mate.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear it's OK. Yeah, we're all a little jumpy when it comes to our horses...especially those of us who have dealt with disease before. I lost a young female H. erectus to a tail infection. (The little girl in my avatar, actually!) Now I've recently gotten an adopted adult H. erectus who has joined my two mated yellow reidis, and I watch them for signs of infection like a hawk.


yeah, been watching her daily for changes..She is the only one in her tank now besides my watcmen who I decided to leave in so she had company..Water change was done and everything so she basically is in a QT tank..Rykna, I don't have any meds on hand wouldn't even know what to treat for to be honest..The poor girl seems fine now though and as I said I have been watching her every time I go out in the living room.
She finally got a name..."Cherish" she picked it herself through the passing of her mate and how she held him through it. I choose that after seeing her cherish what she had.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shaunalynna
yeah, been watching her daily for changes..She is the only one in her tank now besides my watcmen who I decided to leave in so she had company..Water change was done and everything so she basically is in a QT tank..Rykna, I don't have any meds on hand wouldn't even know what to treat for to be honest..The poor girl seems fine now though and as I said I have been watching her every time I go out in the living room.
She finally got a name..."Cherish" she picked it herself through the passing of her mate and how she held him through it. I choose that after seeing her cherish what she had.
Cherish is a beautiful name. I can only imagine how she looked as she held him, but that is definitely a moment to remember and cherish.
As for meds there a huge list, unfortunately I've never had any luck with them. Finding something you can use is hard enough. I just bought a new med today for my husband's tank(sick damsel) it might be a good med for horses. I'll have to research it more though.


Treatment for vibrio related tail infections would be a 10 day treatment of Neomycin & Triple Sulfa combination.
Unfortunately I don't believe links, etc are permitted on this site so I can't link you to the one forum I'm a moderator on for specific treatment. However, if you do a web search the specifics may come up.
It's easiest to use the liquid Neomycin IMO.


Active Member
I am so sorry to hear about your male!
How is your female doing?
It is amazing how quickly these little creatures own our hearts!


Cherish is doing great...Swimming eating and investigating things just as she used to...I keep checking her but no signs so far of anything to be of concern...I know she misses her mate still and am hoping for now the watchmen is some company for her until we can get another friend for her...


Well-Known Member
Good to know, I'm glad she's doing well.

Originally Posted by Shaunalynna
Cherish is doing great...Swimming eating and investigating things just as she used to...I keep checking her but no signs so far of anything to be of concern...I know she misses her mate still and am hoping for now the watchmen is some company for her until we can get another friend for her...