Am I Wrong??...*long teenage problem* lol


last Sunday (not yesterday but the one before) this girl natasha (she USED to be one of my good friends) got on msn and told me she was moving to a town about an hour away and i said what for....and she said she was engaged to this guy that lived there...and i was like awesome and all that junk but she said she has to get married earlier than planned....and i said...ur not pregnant are u? and she said yea...and she went on and said the guys name was jason and told me any detail i wanted to was due in april, baby shower in december, all this junk...i even asked her what her mom thought and she said her mom said, "the Lord let me know something was going on." and she said jason was at her house and let me talk to him..."HE" was like..take care of them for me..dont let anyone be a jerk to her and keep my baby safe and all this..she also brought in a ring and wore it to show to me...and she bought in some random pic and said it was jason..and i believed it and she told me not to tell anyone and i didnt tell ANYONE...for once in my life i didnt say anything to anyone...and then on thursday my friend jenna was like oh my gosh did u hear about tasha...i was like yea!! and she said tasha told her about being pregnant...but the truth was...that she was lying to me!!...and she had told everyone about it but me...her little joke..and A LOT of people knew...they were all just gettin a laugh at me trying to be so "secretive" so know one would know she was "pregnant"... :mad:
and my friend told me thursday evening that she couldnt stand it any longer and she told me the truth...and buddy i was sooo mad...she even tried to set me up with "jason's" cousin or neice or something...that doesnt even exist!! and all this crap...and she wasnt even going to tell u want to know what her plans were for telling me?? she was in like amonth or two gonna tell me that she lost the baby...and that her and jason arent getting married any more b/c they only were b/c of the baby...she was NEVER gonna tell me the she is extremely mad at me...b/c friday night i was in a grocery store and i saw this mailbox sign that said...."ITS A BOY!!" and i bought it and stuck it on her mailbox friday night...b/c she did tell me that "they" wanted a boy...and she is mad at me now... :mad:
and...her mom saw it...they all saw it that night...her mom and some out of town family...and she told her mom i did it...but she wont tell her mom the truth about why i did it...i dont know what she has told her mom about why i did it...she just didnt want her mom know what she had done..but she said that she said she was NOT gonna tell her mom the her whole family is really mad at me right now...but i dont care..

but anywaz...did i do anything terribly wrong?? i mean she led me on to believe that she was pregnant..she was gonna LIE to me and tell me she lost the baby...and tried to set me up with a girl that didnt even exist!! am i wrong for doing the mailbox thing?? all my friends think its hilarious and that it was great payback .... :happy:....i'd just like ur all's thoughts on this matter of mine....hope this makes u all glad ur not teenagers anymore


This never happened to me, but i dont think you did any thing wrong. Also it sounds like she got what she deserved. So i just wouldnt worry bout it.


well thanks...i dont know why i am worrying about it either...this was my first time of doing anything like that...and she said something about it was a federal offense b/c it was a mailbox or something...but i dont think it was b/c i did not deface or destroy the mailbox and the cover was made to go on a mailbox


Active Member
Originally Posted by microman2k
well thanks...i dont know why i am worrying about it either...this was my first time of doing anything like that...and she said something about it was a federal offense b/c it was a mailbox or something...but i dont think it was b/c i did not deface or destroy the mailbox and the cover was made to go on a mailbox
For one, what she was doing was not a joke. It was just mean and if you want to call it a joke, I would call it a pretty sick joke. Sounds like you got the last laugh to me. What you did is not even close to a federal offense. It's a federal offense to damage a mailbox because even when you buy it, you never own it. It belongs to the federal government from what I've heard.


Active Member
ha ha, she got her just desserts. Good for you!

I wouldn't worry about her family, either - the whole lot of them are not worth your time....not if they harbor a liar like that. :mad:
Tangman is right - that kind if thing is just NOT a joke.


I would print and mail anything she wrote to me with a conside note apologizing to the family, but that you were misled by tasha.


Active Member
what were you trying to express and all that junk. i couldn't understand you too well and all that junk.


thaks for all the replies...u all make me feel better now
but i told her today that i figured out why her mom was so mad...i told her that if i was in her position and i had lied to my mom about the situation to save my mom would be mad too.....she still wont talk to me hahaha


Active Member
I don't think you did anything really wrong. Just as uncomfortable a joke back as she did to you. Tell her now she knows what it is like. Her joke was pretty stupid and actually in very bad taste, IMO. She took advantage of your friendship big time. She's not worth holding on to, IMO. Ditch her now. Some day when she's older she may learn some things in life.


I think you should tell her parents why you did this, if she was bold enough to tell them you done the mailbox thing, they should know why. I am a parent and i'd want to know if my kids were telling this kind of stuff, it was pretty laid out and devious, not to mention all the other kids that were behind her on this.She sounds very imature..
They aren't true friends if they act like this, you sound like you are much more mature than them so good for you.


Active Member
i agree with babs i have three teenagers if mine did something that mean id want to know so i could talk to them and make them see that they did wrong


Active Member
Dude she sooo deserved that...that's just wrong what she did...maybe she'll think twice about jokes that can backfire


It's too bad you went through that. Looks like the joke was on her!!! You didn't do anything wrong and you sure didn't lose a friend!! Don't worry about it... just move on!!!