Amazing Fish - Please Add Pictures

jimmy 4

Here are my two false percs. Ive had them for a little over a year now. I don't think they are a mated pair, but they get along fine. The little always bites my fingers when my hand gets too close to the anemone.


jimmy 4

Originally Posted by REEFER545
This is my misbar. I love misbars. At first she would constantly bite me when I put my hand in the tank, but now she has grown quite acceptable of me. Nonetheless, I think beside the picassos out there, mine is the coolest. I have only seen a handful. She has hosted in my Wellsophyllia, which you cant see, but I am very happy about. Enjoy.
Ive never even heard of a misbar. Are they expensive?


New Member
They are all really beautiful everyone. Thanks for posting so many pictures and I hope to continue seeing more pictures. Someday when I have my own place I plan to get a nice little tank and get a clown or two.


Active Member
Here is mine loving her LTA. The first pic is the most recent (end of May) and the second was taken in April. I think all the love my clown give to me LTA is going to make it grow enormous! She is approx 3 inches and the LTA is even bigger now.



Here is my Tomato Clown. That anemone was dying when I got it and I give the clown 95% credit for bringing it back to health!
She loves it, feeds it, takes care of it. She wouldn't let me feed it, when I tried she threw everything out for the crabs.