amazing story


I got an order yesterday from Included in the order was a Pajama Cardnial.
When I opened the package and took the first bag out, it was the pajama with NO water in the bag. The fish was not moving at all. Remember this was overnight shipping.
I went to the computer, typed the e-mail to them to let them know. Came back, went to put it in the freezer just in case they asked for the return dead item and to my surprise the sucker moved. I could not believe it. I almost shut the freezer door.
I immediatly opened the bag and put it in my tank. (no acclimation possible)
Well here it is. People say cats have 9 lives.


Originally Posted by bolt696
I got an order yesterday from Included in the order was a Pajama Cardnial.
When I opened the package and took the first bag out, it was the pajama with NO water in the bag. The fish was not moving at all. Remember this was overnight shipping.
I went to the computer, typed the e-mail to them to let them know. Came back, went to put it in the freezer just in case they asked for the return dead item and to my surprise the sucker moved. I could not believe it. I almost shut the freezer door.
I immediatly opened the bag and put it in my tank. (no acclimation possible)
Well here it is. People say cats have 9 lives.
Excellent. Thats awesome that you have a little trooper lets hope all goes well for him and you!


That happened to me too but with a Queen Conch. Bag was split open with no water in it at all. I decided to it was worth a try and tossed her into the tank. To my surprise she made it and is still going strong 6 months later.
However, your fish has my story beat hands down! Congrats!!!


Wow I just found this thread I posted over a year ago. My PJ Cardinal is still alive. My fiancee calls him grumpy because all he does is mope around the tank. Just hovers in one spot for hours with a grumpy face. At least he was not frozen alive.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by bolt696
Wow I just found this thread I posted over a year ago. My PJ Cardinal is still alive. My fiancee calls him grumpy because all he does is mope around the tank. Just hovers in one spot for hours with a grumpy face. At least he was not frozen alive.....
Oy, I'd be grumpy, too!
That is a great story! :happyfish (need a grumpy-fish smiley) and I'm glad to hear the card. is still with you.