American Idol.


WHY was the american idol thread deleted??? How bout some answers 'round here. How bout, instead of deleting the thread completely, delete all of the posts in it, and simply make another post INSIDE of the thread, explaining WHY it was deleted.
Who is doing this? It seems rather childish.
Anyway, Please, continue bashing this retarded show here.


Active Member
i beleive it was for my destructive comments toward fantasia and how the whole show should be revamped and made into a free for all death match of physical skill and intelligence with some mild singing...then we would have a true american idol


Active Member
lets get this straight though....not american gladiator....well fantasia would fit in nicely with her stupid name


actually, i was talkin about american gladiator, but now that I think about it, old-style gladiator seems more entertaining.


Active Member
good....well the only events that were cool in AG were the one where they shoot the tennis balls and you have to run through the obstacle course....that of course and the joust.


i don't really remember much of american gladiator.. just that I used to HATE it cause it was always on after school when i was little, and there would be nothing else on tv to watch.


Active Member
ha....i watched it the other day (gimme a break im out of college and work in the night) this guy did a back flip over one of the gladiators and straight schooled his ass.
anyways lets thinkof more ways to make american idol better...
How about having the artists sing over a pit of flames...if no one likes their song they drop


or over a trap door with man eating crocodiles in a giant pit...
and the giant pit is surrounded with glass walls, so you can see all the action.


Active Member
hey uhhhh I cancelled my order with the LR company. I have heard that they have problems shipping this stuff out. I could take them to small claims court if they dont ship but im to lazy for that stuff.


Active Member
Now would these be saltwater crocodiles or fresh?
Then if you survive the whole show....the final test comes
A free for all deathmatch battle with a gorilla a tiger a crocodile and a bear... and of course the sorry sap who made it to the final round. I figure th is way the recording industry can have an "idol' without really having to pay them anything since they will be dead. Less people on the payroll sounds good to me.


Active Member
hell yeah
well on that note im gonna go work out so i can compete in next years American Idol....


i call her fantastic burrito, and by the way with that voice its so annoying like a skreeccchh.