american idol


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this show makes me want to drive off a cliff. why do people watch that stupid american idol show


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I only watch the try outs. That was pretty funny last night....though i think the show is rigged big time.

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE

this show makes me want to drive off a cliff. why do people watch that stupid american idol show
It sounds like you watched it, so explain why?


Active Member
Just the try outs. Funny stuff. Its amazing how many people are convinced that they have talent. Disoulsion to the enth degree...

darth tang

Active Member
I watch the try outs to see Simon rip people's hearts out. In the immortal words of Ashton Kutcher, "It's Awesome!".


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My girl friend "made me" watch it I had some choice words and a predetermined review of the show much like cowfish... after a couple of those american idiots performed and my side was hurting from laughing so much... i thought "this isnt so bad" I have yet to determine the later rounds... I havent watched this show before


Active Member
IMO, the opening rounds are the best. Later on, once the competition starts, eh, I do watch but if I miss it no biggie. But the openers, man those are funny.
"I want to know about your tan" was one of my favs last night.


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Originally Posted by ophiura
"I want to know about your tan" was one of my favs last night.
"you should shave your beard and put on a'd make a great female impersonater..." that was HARSH!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
"I want to know about your tan" was one of my favs last night.

Did she EVER answer that? Did you see her Mom? OMG...... :scared:
how about Simons comment" "I think we will need a bigger stage !"


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
"I want to know about your tan" was one of my favs last night.
That was the best! And, having lived in Chicago for the past 5 years, I was on the lookout for anyone I knew.
"So, do I need to do like anything special?"......"I want to know about your tan."........"Ok, well, my name is Crystal and like...."......"No, I want to know about your tan"......"Ok, like, I'm gonna be singing..."......"NO...your TAN!"


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Originally Posted by ruaround
"you should shave your beard and put on a'd make a great female impersonater..." that was HARSH!!!

Oh yeah, that one was quite harsh. Normally I really laugh at what he says and love it, but that was harsh...especially since the guy had tried before and made some effort to put their suggestions into action. A lot of those people they are a bit more kind too, but that was harsh.
There was a guy that my husband and I were like "huh??" guy, girl??? PAT????


Active Member
What about the guy who ACTUALLY had the Dorothy dress and some swiss miss flipped up wig? Some people just have no respect for themselves.


I LOVE American Idol ! I don't feel sorry for the people that suck because they bring it on themselves. Come on they've seen the show. Oh and BTW I think Crystals mom looked like a old worn out stripper and why was Crystal holding her hand up to her ear like she was in a recording studio ? How about the white trash girl that kept on cussing and giving the middle finger and thought she sang better than most people there. She reminded me of the blonde girl last season that was Physco when she didn't make it to Hollywood. If anyone remembers her besides me. Yeah I dig it.


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Originally Posted by cheyco
Oh and BTW I think Crystals mom looked like a old worn out stripper and why was Crystal holding her hand up to her ear like she was in a recording studio ?

ROFL!! ya I was thinking the exact same thing. OH, and why the hell did the pass that freako who thinks he can talk to animals and had his eyes rolling around in his head like he was possessed by the devil?


Originally Posted by Mr_Bill
ROFL!! ya I was thinking the exact same thing. OH, and why the hell did the pass that freako who thinks he can talk to animals and had his eyes rolling around in his head like he was possessed by the devil?
That eye ball thing was so gross ! It was like a train wreck ! It was horrible but yet, I couldn't pull my eyes away from the tv. I think Paula did it just to ammuse herself. How about the Statue of Liberty dude that stood there like a doe in headlights ?


Originally Posted by lovethesea
Just the try outs. Funny stuff. Its amazing how many people are convinced that they have talent. Disoulsion to the enth degree...

Yeah especially that blonde, deviled mouth girl that said f this and that, wow what a star!!!


I didn't see it yet but I have it recorded on my DVR. I don't think it's rigged, that would cost money. There really truly are enough people who thin they can sing and enough others that think if they don't at least try, they'll never know. I think I have met at least 10 people that actually think they can sing and only one of them could. People are just plain dumb.


yeah and how about the mom that said that when the son ( I think it was a guy???) sing that it makes her cry he is so good. he made me cry that i had to listen to him, and how about the officer who sang the same thing over and over.


Active Member
Originally Posted by petieaztec
and how about the officer who sang the same thing over and over.

He was singing "I shot the sheriff" and he was a sheriff!! What is this world coming to??


Some people do it just to be on TV...the wig guy was an obvious one. Didn't make it any less funny, though

Anybody remember that guy (Enrique, I think) from season 1 or 2 who wouldn't leave? They said no and he walked out saying "I'm going to Hollywood, they forgot to give me the paper" and then he actually went to Hollywood on a separate plane or something XD