american idol


New Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
IMO, the opening rounds are the best. Later on, once the competition starts, eh, I do watch but if I miss it no biggie. But the openers, man those are funny.
"I want to know about your tan" was one of my favs last night.
what about her laugh and when she came back, jeez she did not get the picture at all, what about the guy with no shoes and paula said i have my reasons and sent him to hollywood


Active Member
i only watch the auditions. its especially great when they work in little groups and there is always one group that parties all night, and one person that fights with the group.
tonight is the Greensboro, NC one. greensboro is like 40 minutes from my house so ill definately be looking out for people i know.
id have to say my favorite from last night was either the girl with that tan and her mom, or, ummmmmm..........i cant even decide lol. some were just soooo bad!


Active Member
You see the show is rigged because the last person was this crazy guy with ADD or whatever its called and he sucked at singing and he made it to hollywood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY #$%^!! Can you spell R I G G E D??


Active Member
its not rigged. If you saw, you saw what took place. Paula voted him in to tick off Simon
for being a jerk basically. The guy is so jazzed up on something, he probably won't even make it. :scared:


Active Member
i watch the whole show, but my favorites are the auditions, the best from last nite are
1. Simon- tell us about your tan... girl- o me? im 19 from califronia... simon- no tell us about you tan!... Girl- oooo, im gonna sing _____ by Jenifer__.... Simon- NO TELL US ABOUT YOUR TAN< THE THING ON YOUR SKIN!!!
2. This guy walks in with a statuets of liberty costume on.. Simon- so what are you gonna sing... Guy- o im gonna sing____ "o beautiful...."(thats him singing) Simon- OUT YOURE GONE!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
its not rigged. If you saw, you saw what took place. Paula voted him in to tick off Simon
for being a jerk basically. The guy is so jazzed up on something, he probably won't even make it. :scared:
Yeah, I agree. I don't think it is any more rigged than other reality shows...which may be a lot
. I think they were trying to annoy Simon, in addition to being really tired and all. He won't make it far in any way. They have a give and take...just like Simon said "no" immediately to statue of liberty guy. And I think they will need comic relief later!!


Active Member
how much you wanna bet that half the crazy peopel are on some type of drug JUST so they can make an idiot of themselves infront of the nation


Active Member
NIGHT 2! Is anyone watching?
I dont know about you guys, but I'm glad they took the little cowboy guy, Garret.
Needs alot of work but it sounded like there was a hell of a voice inside that little guy...although, he probably wont make it past the next round.
I thought it was great that Simon said yes.


my friend was the second person on last nite. they showed her sing the humpty song. then they asked her to sing somehting else. and she froze and they booted her.
what actually happened, she sange 2 songs, then came back for a second try, sang 2 more songs, then thy booted her. in editing, they made her look like a fool. she was in the broadway musical "caberet". sang the female lead. so its not like she really cant sing.
that said, i hate that show!! :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by NYHCx516x
my friend was the second person on last nite. they showed her sing the humpty song. then they asked her to sing somehting else. and she froze and they booted her.
what actually happened, she sange 2 songs, then came back for a second try, sang 2 more songs, then thy booted her. in editing, they made her look like a fool. she was in the broadway musical "caberet". sang the female lead. so its not like she really cant sing.
that said, i hate that show!! :)

That's tv for you. There were ALOT of other people that looked like fools as well.
Last year, my roommates boyfriend didnt make it, even though he's a nation wide known Opera singer, who's sang with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, on Broadway and various other professional Opera stars, symphonys, etc.


Active Member
i loved the little cowboy guy!!! he was so shy he could barely talk, and the n he belted out that first note and i was like OMG!!!! im so glad he made it through!
now im watching the skating with the celebrities, its hilarious!


Active Member
Originally Posted by JacknJill
i loved the little cowboy guy!!! he was so shy he could barely talk, and the n he belted out that first note and i was like OMG!!!! im so glad he made it through!
now im watching the skating with the celebrities, its hilarious!

you must be in my house


Active Member
Favorite winners/survivors--THe 16 year old girl that Simon Liked-That voice-WOW! And the motionless Rocker bald guy. He had a good voice and great style.
Favorite losers/eliminatees--All of them!
I'll bet the crazy animal jumpin guy gets a TV show or something. Remember "She bangs?"


Active Member
cowboy guy....thank goodness they gave hime a chance. He sings to cows for gods sake.
Let him ride on an airplane and get some lessons.
Zachary guy/gal.....don't know.....give him a mirror. :scared:


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
What about the guy who ACTUALLY had the Dorothy dress and some swiss miss flipped up wig? Some people just have no respect for themselves.
Hey! That's not very nice. I'll have you know I spent a whole week putting that outfit together. I would have made it if I had shaved my legs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangMan99
Hey! That's not very nice. I'll have you know I spent a whole week putting that outfit together. I would have made it if I had shaved my legs.

OK, I'll give you and "A" for effort, and well, your legs aren;t bad either.

At least you aren't Zachary........then we'd have to talk about those eyebrows. :scared:


I like the twins from in jail the other going. That sounds about right.
The show? Never watch it, got that info off good ole MSN.