Ammonia - 8 please help!


We had some live rock shipped to us (it was out of water for about 2 days) and now we're on day 2 of our cycle. We didn't scrub it or rinse it in tap water, so I know there is a lot of die off. There doesn't seem to be any bad smell like others have sometimes. Anyways, we're worried about our ammonia reading and not sure if we need to do a water change or leave it. We've read where some say to do it and some say not to?? Help!!
Temp.- 80
Salinity- 1.020
Ph- 7.8
Ammonia- 8
Nitrite- 0
Nitrate- 0
Here's a couple pictures of some of our rock...



Active Member
Your going to see a spike in your system....You just added LR and regardless if it was cured or not, during the shipping you would have some die off....What do you currently have in the tank? I would monitor your levels as your doing already and just watch.....Not uncommon with what your seeing.....You'll see your other levels rise as well.....I would advise to bump the salinity up 1.023-1.025.


There isn't any fish in the tank. Just about 70lbs of live rock and 80lbs of live sand... or at least it was live!


You can do some water changes to help bring the ammonia down and preserve some of the life on your rock. It is not at all uncommon for it to spike that high.


Active Member
It is ok that means that it is working. Do what the sep said and do a water change that will speed up the cycle.
The same thing happened to me.. Im on my 4th day of cycling.. My second day my ammonia spiked to 8.. I did a small water change 10 gal. It didnt bring the amm down, but I have appearances of Trites .5.. Ill be checking my levels at 8pm... Ill let you know my outcome..
Also try to bring your SG up to 1.024.(Bring it up slowly if you have livestock.
yours is a little low


Active Member
Regardless of livestock or not the salinity should be brought up...This is the time to balance the system IMO in certain areas.....Doing a water change won't speed up the cycle......


Will do. We checked the salinity a bunch of times and it's been 1.024, so I'm not sure what happened to make it drop????


i am in my 8 th day and mine is high like that to. my rock looks just like yours. some rock is turning brown with algea


That smell that you were talking about... It'll happen. The die off created the spike, the rot from the die off will take a little while longer.
When it's the actual rock your curing then water changes will make no difference as far as keeping your beneficial bacteria, but as another poster mentioned, in case you have cool hitch-hikers, and you most likely do, then a small water change would be beneficial...


Our Ammonia is still at 8 after two water changes about 15 gal each time. I got home from work and noticed some brown algae growing on the rock and sand. I don't know the difference between good and bad algae. I didn't think anything would grow with the ammonia being so high. Please look at the pics and tell me what you think. Thanks.



Active Member
Ammonia above 1.0 is toxic to even the bacteria in your tank. Do water changes to bring it down.
Take the rock out, put it in a tub of salt water and scrub it good to get rid of the die off. That should help. I've found using a new toothbrush works well.


Can we get a final answer on this? I am about 6 days into my cycle and I had an AM spike at is now down somewhere around 4.
I'm concerned that a water change will only slow my cycle.
I have a 29g with 35lbs of marshall island rock.


Originally Posted by bustedadam
I'm concerned that a water change will only slow my cycle.
Well, if it does . . . it does.
I think the point some are trying to make is that the extremely high ammonia count is even killing your beneficial bacteria, to the point that it's perputuating the ammonia portion of your cycle by preventing growth of the bacteria that converts the ammonia to nitrite (would that be a correct assessment?). Thus, until that's addressed, your cycle isn't going to go anywhere and is prolonging itself right now (think of it as being stuck in 1st gear).


Active Member
Do water changes to bring down the ammonia. Take the rock out 1 piece at a time and pick off the easy to see stuff and swish it around in a 5 gallon bucket with sw in it. Replace the rock in the tank.
Bring the s.g. up to 1.024- 1.027 with water changes.


Yeah, we've been doing the water changes just about every day with no sign of improvement, so we'll definitely be taking your advice on taking the rock out to clean it! Thanks everyone!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bustedadam
Can we get a final answer on this? I am about 6 days into my cycle and I had an AM spike at is now down somewhere around 4.
I'm concerned that a water change will only slow my cycle.
I have a 29g with 35lbs of marshall island rock.
Your bacteria lives on things, not in the water. Doing water changes will not prolong cycle.
Frankly, it doesn't matter anyway. With ammonia at 8 you're killing everything anyway. That must come down.


The ammonia has come down and is at 0.25!
Today's readings:
Temp. 78 degrees
Salinity 1.024
pH 7.8
Ammonia 0.25
Nitrite 5
Nitrate 5
Just want to say thanks for everyone's help.