Ammonia Filter Pad


I just bought an ammonia filter pad to put in my sump because the LFS has been out of the regular filter pads for a while. My ammonia levels are at 0 currently. I'm just wondering if it would be bad to put this type of filter pad in there if the levels are at 0. In my mind, it seems like it wouldn't do anything becuase there would be no ammonia for the pad to pick up, but I just want to make sure this won't affect the nitrite and nitrate levels in the tank before I actually put it in there. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me with this!


Active Member
I don't really understand why you would run an ammonia filter pad if you have no ammonia? You should never have ammonia in a established tank. so why do you need it?


The filter pad is meant to filter out ammonia, or in other words, get rid of ammonia that is in the tank water.


After thinking about it, I've decided to just return the ammonia filter pad to the LFS. I found a website that sells the normal kind for cheaper than the LFS, so I think I will just go with that. Thanks anyway.


Active Member
What I am saying is you shouldn't have ammonia in an established tank so why pay money for something and put something in your tank you do not need?