Ammonia help?


I was given a suggestion on this message board to start feeding my fish one frozen cube everyday (I have Formula 1&2, reef formula and Mysis shrimp); now my ammonia is up. I have 2 clowns, a PJ Carnal and a Blue Hippo. None of them are very big; at the most 2". Along with the fish, I have 3 conch 3 snails, 2 shrimp and a sepant star. The tank is a 55gal w/45lbs of LR. My questions is with that mix, how often and how much should I feed them?


not bad except for Nitrates which are a little elevated. I always thought that too much food contributed to ammonia spikes? I also added the tang, the PJ Cardnal and the serpant star about 5 days ago. Any thoughts?


Well to much food would make ammonia but your biological filter should get rid of it right away, I would say with adding all of the stuff your tank is going through a small cycle, the biological filter has to catch up to the larger bioload


Should I continue to feed them daily or should i go back to every other day? The reason that I am now feeding them everyday is that I was told that Tangs needed that.


One cube a day shouldn't be to much, I would just really watch your levels to make sure they don't go really high

sinner's girl

I just answered on the other often, tangs 3x, clowns 2x, cardinal 1x
adding two fish and increases food might have been enough to cause an ammonia old is your tank? before the last two fish, when did you last add fish?
Should I continue to feed them daily or should i go back to every other day? The reason that I am now feeding them everyday is that I was told that Tangs needed that.
Tangs need greens
daily, yep.
Okay, hold back till you get your ammoina problem fixed, then read what I wrote on the other board....if your tank is new, slowly increase your feedings...
Never feed more than what the fish will eat. if you have left over food, you're feeding too much.