Ammonia Help!!!!


I have a 3 month old 55gal tank with 6 fish all less than 1". My ammonia keeps rising!!! I do partial water changes, and have one bio-wheel filter and one fluval filter. I added the stuff to remove ammonia in the fluval and no luck! What is going on????
The fish seem okay, no one looks stressed, but I know it's a silent killer - HELP!!!


First I would have you AM checked at the LFS to make sure your test is accurate. If you do have AM you might want to think about a protien skimmer. Do you clean your bio wheel? If you do you should not.How much are you feeding. Left overs can cause a problem.What size Fluval and what media do you have in it?


Forgot to ask but do you hjave LR and how much and when was it added? If LR isn't fully cures it will have die off and you will see some AM.


I have a 305 fluval with the standard media that came with it, and added an "AM cleaner". My bio-wheel, I haven't cleaned, but I do have more filters for it... haven't done it yet.
I feed twice a day, morning is a mini-block of brine shrimp and evenings I feed a couple pinches of Formula One flakes. All the fish are very active and eat everything - they act like I starve them.
I don't have a protein skimmer - I will get one...
Also, I have no LR, no LS. But I am going to take the decorater rock out and CC out and replace them with LR/LS in a couple of months... actually I was thinking about buying a second tank and making that LR/LS instead...
Please help... thanks for responding so fast - I am going to LFS in a couple of hours.


Ok Lora here is what I would do. Pitch all the fake stuff and the crushed coral. The CC was 1 of my worst mistakes. There is no replacement for live rock and sand. They are natural bio filters and will really help with the tank. The protien skimmer will also do wonders. I would stay away from the sea clone. Junk in my opinion and when I replaced it with a crp back pac I was amazed with its preformance. I think if you get the LR LS skimmer you will see a big improvement.


Originally Posted by mcsd22
Ok Lora here is what I would do. Pitch all the fake stuff and the crushed coral. The CC was 1 of my worst mistakes. There is no replacement for live rock and sand. They are natural bio filters and will really help with the tank. The protien skimmer will also do wonders. I would stay away from the sea clone. Junk in my opinion and when I replaced it with a crp back pac I was amazed with its preformance. I think if you get the LR LS skimmer you will see a big improvement.

Um, I am still new to this... what is "sea clone" and what is a "crp back pac"?
If I buy LR/LS from this - I assume it is already cured and ready to put into the tank. Is the LS better packaged or not packaged? What would u recommend?


Originally Posted by mcsd22
Also the rule of thumb is 1.5 to 2 pound of LR per gallon of water.
Cool, that'll look nice...


The sea clone and back pack are protien skimmers. You can order your rock and sand from here and they are cured. You will get a small amout of die off if added right to your tank but should not be to bad. Just got to keep an eye on levels at first and if they start to rise start doing some water changes to keep them down. Also check your water your using for your changes and make sure that it does not contain Am.


You are a fish-life saver!! I really appreciate your experience and advice. I will order a protein skimmer today (since my LFS doesn't carry them or recommend them - otherwise I would've gotten one from the start).


I've been finding out as well that in addition to LR and LS (I recently aquired a 75 with niether... what a mess), macro algae is a very attractive and useful addition. While LR and LS will help the nitrogen cycle along, they usually leave you with a rising nitrAte level. MA helps reduce your nitrogen levels whatever form they may be in. Granted it's not a cure-all, and is no excuse not to do partial changes (I've heard that one before), it will greatly aid you in your quest to reduce the nitrogens.
as for skimmers, they are invaluable. If you can afford it, the remora is my personal favorite. There's usually a one week break in where it'll pump in microbubbles, but if you can put up with that for a week, you're good to go.


actually you only need about 3/4 of a pound per gallon of live rock. most of the bilogical processes actually take place in your sand.


Sorry it took so long for me to reply, hubby called from Iraq...
Anyway, I am ordering the protein skimmer today. I also want to order the LS sand today
QUESTION: do I order the pre-packaged LS under dry goods or the Live Sand under the "Live Sand" bar on the left of this screen?


I would go for the live sand not the dry. The LS that comes in water will already contain bacteria and will help your situation out.


Lora, make sure that when you add the LS and take out the CC you take out any of your livestock. The change from CC to LS is not as easy as it seems. You will see a decent ammonia and nitrate spike when you take out the CC.. believe me. If i were you i would try and buy both LS and LR together because you WILL get an ammonia/nitrate spike by adding the live rock and removing the CC from your tank. Although the live rock is precured, it will still cause another cycle to occur... think about it.. takes a minimum of 24-48 hours to get to your house, and the rock doesnt come to your house submerged in water... it is merely damp, so you WILL get some dieoff and you WILL see another cycle.. If it is possible i would buy something to put the fish in... hook up the filter, and add LR and LS to your main tank.. watch parameters in main tank, and add livestock when everything is "normal." Remember to "seed" at least half the new holding tank with the water thats in your tank now so that when you feed your fish... you dont start another cycle in the new tank
I no it sounds confusing but if you have any questions or comments, were all just a click away


Originally Posted by 120reefer
Lora, make sure that when you add the LS and take out the CC you take out any of your livestock. The change from CC to LS is not as easy as it seems. You will see a decent ammonia and nitrate spike when you take out the CC.. believe me. If i were you i would try and buy both LS and LR together because you WILL get an ammonia/nitrate spike by adding the live rock and removing the CC from your tank. Although the live rock is precured, it will still cause another cycle to occur... think about it.. takes a minimum of 24-48 hours to get to your house, and the rock doesnt come to your house submerged in water... it is merely damp, so you WILL get some dieoff and you WILL see another cycle.. If it is possible i would buy something to put the fish in... hook up the filter, and add LR and LS to your main tank.. watch parameters in main tank, and add livestock when everything is "normal." Remember to "seed" at least half the new holding tank with the water thats in your tank now so that when you feed your fish... you dont start another cycle in the new tank
I no it sounds confusing but if you have any questions or comments, were all just a click away

no, I totally understand what you mean... what about the "bucket method", where people cure their LR in a bucket and do water changes? It would be cheaper to do that than to buy a whole other tank.. would that work?