Ammonia In Tap Water


I just found out that the source of the amonia at constant levels of .25-.50 in my 200 gal is from the tap water that I use for R/O. There is no doubt about the test results, and I did repeated tests of bottled water, my R/O, and water from the tap.
I was amazed. What should I do? Is the level serios to harm the long term health of the reef? Should I use water from a different source? Advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


Staff member
What tests are you using? You may want to contact your water supplier.
Also, a good RO/DI filter should filter out ammonia. How old are your filters, what type RO? Do you use a TDS meter?


I am going to call the supplier, which is West Des Moines, Iowa. Maybe that's why most people drink bottled water lol.
I am at work and will look into the filter questions that you pose. I know the filter does give R/O water with a lower reading than when I test it directly from the tap. It is a pretty good unit I think, which I bought for about $190.00. I haven't replaced any of the filters, but it is only about 4 months old, provided water to the 200 and 75 only.
Is the constant level of about .30 harmful in your opinion?? Thanks.


Active Member
The constant level of 0.25-0.50 ppm of ammonia is not good. You definitely want to find a way to further purify your water to eliminate this. You may want to try changing your DI cartridge. If it has been filtering this much ammonia it may be spent earlier than it should be under normal conditions.


Staff member
People and fish need 0 ammonia.
Your test kits may be flawed. If your lfs used a different kit, take it to them to test.