Ammonia level won't go down


I have a 92 gallon tank, fish only, with 5 fish. water is crystal clear, all other levels are pretty good, (except nitrate, which is about 20). the stinkin level won't come down from .25. The fish look great, and eat good too. I only feed them every other day. what can I do to bring down the levels??

sinner's girl

check the test, some test always read .25 for am. Nitrates at 20 is fine.
otherwise, did you cycle your tank? have you added anything lately? did anything die? am doesn't go down it turns into nitrites and then nitrates, if you have am, then something caused it, and it will cycle. How long as it been .25?


I have a problem with an inaccurate test kit, the ID color key card has shades that are so close its pretty hard to tell the diff between 0.0 and 0.25.
also is your problem nitrates or ammonia? it was unclear to me.
if is your nitrates =.20 your fine.
ammonia=.20 not fine


I use the red sea lab, with the dropper things, (sorry, new at this.). I haven't recently added anything, it's been the same fish for 2 months. I checked my levels again today, and still the same, .25 for amm, and 20 for nitrates. I do water changes every week, 10
%. I'm thinking of getting a reverse osmosis unit tomorrow, what do you think?


Oh yes, do a DI/RO system. It is a must. I run mine into a 55 gallon trash can on wheels. When it is time for a water change I wheel it over and sump the tank and hook up a power head and pump it back in. The night before I put the heater in the trash can and mix the salt in with the powehead on. It is ready the next day for the water change.
On the test sounds like you have the liquid test. I have been by many (could be wrong) they are not accurate. I know when tested against my AS test they were always off. I like the powder test like Aquarium Systems kit.