ammonia nightmare II


New Member
I appreciate your quick responses. You guys'n'gals are the best!
I'm using a bio-filter with a layer of course media. It came with my tank as a package deal. Filtration & lights both built into the canopy. I have a good bacteria bed going & superior water movement.
I intro'd 3 fish and 3 hermit crabs over the course of 2 days. Too fast? I now have 2 fish, 1 crab & toxic ammonia that isn't decreasing. Did I mess up the cycle?
Thanks ever so much
Did your tank ever cycle? How long your tank been running? Because I don't know if your ammonia spiked or if it never reached 0. Either way high ammonia will kill your fish so take it very seriously. Reply with more info.


Hey Reefer..what did you cycle *with*? You never said..sounds like youre cycling now, even though your tank was up a while. I'm no expert but it doesnt sound cycled to me. You need something to produce ammo in order to cycle.
Maybe you could take the fish back (the ones that are in good shape) and either get some damsels or use frozen shrimp until your ammo turns to nitrites,,,then to nitrates. Do you have nitrates yet? That might be a good way to measure. Do you have any algae??
I never added any fish until I started producing algae..then I was pretty sure I cycled ok.
Damn..good luck!