Ammonia Problem


What is the best way to get rid of Ammonia?
Background - I just switched from a canister filter with bio-wheel to a wet/dry filter with my old bio-wheel for now. I have a 44 gallon part reef tank with about 20 pounds of live rock and a couple of live corals.
I am doing tests daily to make sure everything stays in balance. My Nitrate reading was 0.25ppm, Nitrite 0 but ammonia is 0.25.
I have carbon and polyfilter in my wet/dry. Should I do a water change (25%)? Can I add any active bacteria to help? How long will it take to cycle through.


I have 2 small fish and some snail, hermits. I just read not to do a water change cause it will slow down the 30 day cycle. I guess I will just wait it out.
Anything else I should be aware of?


The fish seem to be doing alright but I did lose 2 other. The 2 left are more hardy ( striped damsel and percula clown)


I've tried test strips also for ammonia and they show less amounts than the chemical test kit. The fish look ok but my umbrella leather isn't too happy but my green brain coral is thriving.


Since I broke the nitrogen cycle will it take long to reestablish since I have live rock and the same water in the tank? Or doesn't that matter.


Active Member
2 yrs?
it should have finished cyclein long age, even if you did alot of water changes, somehting else is wrong
I too would reccomend another test kit, but if you are loosing fish, something is probably amiss.
what fish did you loose, how long have you had them, and the fish that survived?
how much do you feed?
also, what about water changes and cleaning, what do you do and how often?


The reason why I lost fish ( 2 tangs - sensitive to ammonia and nitrites) is because when I switched from canister to wet/dry I did not have connect the bio-wheel so I had not real biologic going outside the tank and I don't have enough live rock yet.
I just got 25 pounds that is soaking now and will be added when the levels drop in the tub they are soaking in.