Ammonia Problems.


New Member
Well i've been havning bad luck since the start of this year. I've lost hundredes of $$$ of fish. My tank was fine then the nitrate lvl's got high and killed them, i left the tank alone after several water changes and started again later. But my main problem is right now that i can't get my ammonia to 0. I can't get it yellow, it always comes up as a cloudly sorta dark yellow light green, i can't match it with a color on the card. And im using the cycle stuff to add some bacteria to get it lowered.... i've been doing water changes and all that all other test are ok. Only things i have in my tank are my little wrase, 2 shrimp a small emeral crab and a mardarin goby. Its a 30gal tank with lots of live rock and some live coral.:help:

bang guy

Can you describe your tank in detail? Filtration as well.
This is not a short problem so you're not going to get a quick answer.
Sorry for your loss :(


New Member
Dang it.... well... ive got a pretty basic protein skinner with a pump, a power head for a nice current i added a sponge on it to act as a second filter. And i have the carbon filter thing. The carbon filter i have i have to change it every 6 months. I'll rinse out the carbon and clean the tubes for the filter and i'll clean off the sponge on the power head.....
I just checked my tank and my mandarin goby is dead. This is really driving me nuts, what am i doing wrong. I only do a 10 water change every week, i add the bacteria in. And a drop of the liqued food for my corals, every 2 weeks.... my mandarin wasn't stressed he was just real sluggish today not moving alot just staying in one area or 2, not very active... and now he's dead....
I'll take some pics of the tank and post'm tomorrow. I was gonna get 2 baby perc clows, but the guy wanted 22$ each canadian which is nuts cause 22 is what mature adults cost around here, some ppl just thinks everyone are suckers#@!

tony detroit

Active Member
First thing to do is buy a book and read it cover to cover.
Second mandarin goby's need live food only. They only do well in very large, well established tanks. You will most likely never be able to support the natural food population that a mandarin requires in a 30gal.
Third, you need a type of biological filtration. Try a powerhead running some bio-wheels, they should be fine for a tank your size.
If you have anymore questions try posting them one at a time in the new hobbyist forum, many people here want to and love to help others.
This is a easy hobby if you follow the rules. I know you are going through a tough time, but it will get better. I went through the same time. At the fish store every 2 weeks, then I figured things out. You still learn something new even after 3 years in this. You learn something new every day.