Ammonia Question?


New Member
Hello all I have a 90 gallon tank, with about 65-70 lbs of LR (it was fully cured before starting new tank) and a live sand base (which is new) I am 4 weeks into my cycle and all paramaters have come and gone and are right where they should be except for my ammonia which is reading .5ppm, I just did a 20% water changes and my ammonia levels are still the same, is there anything I can do to get the ammonia to 0ppm or do I just have to wait longer?
Thanks all.


Active Member
If your nitrites are zero then most likely your ammonia is also zero and its your test kit giving a bad reading. Take a water sample down to your LFS. If they test everything OK it may be time to take a few fish home


Have you seen a nitrite spike yet for nitrite is the after effect of ammonia. So if you still see ammonia your may get a spike here soon of nitrite cycle may not be complete wouldn't rush.For both are very bad of fish and corals