Ammonia Rising


I recently got my first two fish to add to the cycle which where Lemon Damsels. The women said the ammonia would naturally increase anyway during the cycle but should come back down after water changes ect. I've done two water changes so far and if anything its just getting higher, 0.4 - 0.8? Is this normal or should I take a sample back up and see what they say?


5 weeks without Fish, my water was tested the same day I got the fish, so it was clear until then?


Active Member
Yes the rise in ammonia is normal during the initial cycling. This is a result of the addition of material that is breaking down into ammonia. In this case probably fish poop and whatever you are feeding the fish. As the biofiltration bacteria grow in volume the ammonia will start to recede, nitrites will increse then recede, and nitrates will increase. The way you will evetually deal with the nitrates is by water changes.
Adam seems as though you may be lacking some knowledge in the workings of setting up an aquarium and specifically a saltwater aquarium. I would suggest to you to read the threads at the top of this page to get yourself familiar with how what and when things are going to happen.
The other suggestion I would make at this time is for you to;
1. Return the fish to the fish store and cycle the tank by other means. While it has been accepted practice with saltwater tanks in the past to cycle with "sacrificial" fish the hobby has come along and found more acceptable ways to do this. You are subjecting these creatures to the possibility of ammonia poisoning. Have a read here about that.
2. If you are convinced that you will keep these fish for whatever reason I would recommend that you test your ammonia levels at the very least daily and have ready mixed saltwater available to do a water change when the ammonia level reaches 0.5.
With that welcome to Please do some more reading and feel free and encouraged to ask questions here prior to doing anything in your tank. Best to get as much information as you can before you make any decisions.


Yeah, I am new to this but I'm up at Pets at Home every weekend and joined the forum to ask questions, so yeah! And I purchased these Damsels as the set up fish as they where cheap!


I doubt they're in pain, they look healthy to me, no red gills, and pretty active, plus, the people at pets at home didn't ask for them to be removed? She said its natural process once your first fish are in?


Active Member
unreal that lfs still says to use fish to cycle new tanks.
thats just mean.apparently the lfs adam used is a bad one.
i go to one of my lfs here once in a while ,the have an awesome store alot of hard to find fish.but thier advice is they told me ich cant live in water over 82 degrees,i wish that was true.
also 5 weeks is plenty of time for a tank to cycle as long as you kicked off the cycle at the start with either a raw shrimp,raw fish food or any raw piece of seafood.a couple of little damsels wont really make ammonia jump to toxic levels if the tank was cycled in the 5 weeks .


Active Member
Originally Posted by AdamS
I doubt they're in pain, they look healthy to me, no red gills, and pretty active, plus, the people at pets at home didn't ask for them to be removed? She said its natural process once your first fish are in?
I'd listen to Henry; your lfs is selling fish, its their job. Cycling with live fish is totally unnecessary and outdated. The only reason for the fish was to produce waste, which produces ammonia, and starts the bacteria cycle. There are many cheaper, more humane ways of doing the same thing. Also: if you test water right before and right after a significant (say 20&) water change and don't see a corresponding drop in ammonia; something is wrong, possibly a bad test kit.


Originally Posted by AdamS
I doubt they're in pain, they look healthy to me, no red gills, and pretty active, plus, the people at pets at home didn't ask for them to be removed? She said its natural process once your first fish are in?
Of course she said that....otherwise she would not have sold you the two fish.....that's the problem with these places....they are in it for the sales
we here at the forum are in it for the hobby and what is best for the fish


mm yeah, your right, What you suggest then?
Week 2/3 had Live Rock
Week 5 had Cleaner Shrimp In
Week 6 had Lemon Damsels (Increase in Ammonia)


Active Member
I suggest you do some reading and stop listening to you LFS person. Get some good literature on the subject of setting up and maintaining a marine aquarium and educate yourself a bit.
Don't rely on this or any other forum and the people that are there, or your lfs to be your only source for information. Read the books by the scientists, Phd's and people that have decades of knowledge about this subject. Only then can you take in all the info from here and the LFS and decide what is correct.
Rant, Rant, Rant..............hmmmmmmmmmmm where is Joe when you need him?


You probably won't want the damsel fish once you get into the hobby anyways. I'm not an expert but I have heard they can be aggressive to other fish and should be added last. Correct me if I am wrong damsel experts.


Also not an expert, but have seen and read way to many times of DAMsels harassing their tankmates, then followed by the horror stories of trying to get them out.
P.S I want to go to the hot tub (well time machine) party!!


New Member
Originally Posted by Fibinotchi
You probably won't want the damsel fish once you get into the hobby anyways. I'm not an expert but I have heard they can be aggressive to other fish and should be added last. Correct me if I am wrong damsel experts.
I just got rid of my four stripe damsel cause he was picking on my clown fish. He was always chasing him around. So eventually I would get rid of the damsels if they are not playing nice with the other fish in your tank. This is just what i have noticed any way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jrbarker
I just got rid of my four stripe damsel cause he was picking on my clown fish. He was always chasing him around. So eventually I would get rid of the damsels if they are not playing nice with the other fish in your tank. This is just what i have noticed any way.
Damsels, and how/when to get rid of them; is, by far, the most common topic on this seems.