ammonia spike?


Active Member
if all of my levels are 0 except my trates which are at 10(they usually stay there) why would i have a huge ammonia spike?? if somethign died wouldnt it cause everythign to spike ??
i have a HUGE zebra turbo ic ant find if he died would this cause it? i will be doing a huge water change tomm. but what could this be from?


New Member
did you maybe get any knew live rock. If so that will cause it to spike, it will later drop. that's a creapy picture by the way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
wouldnt it cause everythign to spike ??
Not all at once.....


right, just like a cycle. the amm. spikes, then the nitrites, then the nitrates go up.


Active Member
alright i did a 55 gallonw ater change the snail is foudn AND alive..all fish ARE accounted for???? i cant understand this?? after the water change my ammonia is STILL the same
do they sell any products?
also the only thign i did yesterday RIGHT when it spikded was clean about an inch thick algae off of the whole face of my glass then all of a sudden BOOM AMMONIA
i still have no other levels at all!! just high ammonia???


Active Member
Check your water source, some areas use Chloramines. In this case a chloramine filter is needed as it will equate to free ammonia..


Active Member
well my RODI unit will be here within the next 5 days so i cant wait!! also i just dosed the tank with TLS for saltwater aquariums which is basically all live bacteria and my LFS said it worked for him when he had an ammonia outbreak so im keeping my fingers crossed


Just an outside shot but I belive that some glass cleaner contains ammonia... any chance that some may have entered your tank?


Originally Posted by GoNgShOw
Just an outside shot but I belive that some glass cleaner contains ammonia... any chance that some may have entered your tank?
that's also true. i use a product called "glass plus". non-toxic, and i just squirt it on the paper towel instead of the glass itself.


Active Member
im thinkign that somehow my long glass cleaner thing that i bought from the lfs got some kind of cleaner on it maybe? so im hoping htis will go away soon!


Active Member
hey if the last time i cleaned my glass ,, if the clenaing stick still had algae on it then it dried out then i put it back int he water could that have cause the spike?


Active Member
How old is your test kit and what brand? Have you been using tapwater? Ammonia from glass cleaner is not going to show up as ammonia in your tank. It does not come from algae either. The other day when you cleaned the glass, did you disturb the sandbed in any way?


Active Member
yes i disturbed it alot actually, but my stingrays distrub it more than i do everydayw ith cleanign and this hads never happened both stingrays are always in and out of the sandbed?? can this be the cause? if so then how do i deal with that all the time?


Active Member
Yeah,but they just settle on the top and shake some sand onto themselves correct? They don't get down into the anaerobic layers.