Ammonia Spike


Is it normal to get an ammonia spike after adding fish into the DT? My tank has been sitting idle for 7 weeks following an ich outbreak. I was still feeding, because I spot feed my sun corals, and also have mithrax crabs, hermit crabs, and a brittle star.
I transferred my Coral Beauty from my QT to my DT a week ago and my ammonia has risen to .50. Should I be concerned about that low of a reading? My other water parameters are good:
SG 1.026
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
PH 8.0


Active Member
How much have you been feeding your tank in the 7 weeks? If it is less then you are feeding your fish now and the fish are producing waste it is very possible to see a spike.


I am feeding more now that I have a fish in there. Should I be concerned or should it eventually drop?


Active Member
Depends on your levels, what are they. I'd do a water change for sure. Don't feed every day. Feed every 3 days or so, your fish will be alright.


O.K. thanks. I am going to do a water change within the next few days. My ammonia level was 0 today, but yesterday my level was .5. Maybe something is wrong with my test kit. I only feed my fish every other day so like 2-3 per week.


Active Member
probably just 1) accident while testing or 2) tank getting used to the poop machine that is a coral beauty or 3) a mixture of the two.