Ammonia test kits


Does anyone out there use this test kit? Is it very accurate? I have had my tank for 3 months now and for the past 2 it constantly gives me a reading that doesn't quite look like the "0 ammonia" for salt water......but it is also doesnt't look like the color corresponding to ammonia being present...any input would be greatly appreciated.:notsure:
I have never used that test kit but do you have a lfs you could take a water sample to and compare the results to what you are getting from your test kit that way you should have some kind of idea what your readings really are.?


well I live in a fairly small city with only 2 dealers who have saltwater fish....1 of them is totally useless and the other (where i get all my stuff) uses the smae test kit.....:confused:
How about getting a good reliable test kit like a Salifert kit from here?Ofcourse you would need to order more than just 1 test kit to make whatever they charge for shipping worth it,just an idea for you to think about. Does that test kit have the readings for the ammonia in yellow by any chance because if it does they all are a pain in the booty to read.