Ammonia test question


I'm using an aquarium pharmecutical test kit for ammonia. The test result comes up a cloudy,white color. There was a time when it would show the color for 0 ppm. What does this mean?:confused:


I cant find a date on the box but I know Ive had it for over 2 yrs. The test result was the same at the LFS. Can an additive like Prime or ammo lock give this reading?


I do know that some addatives will alter different test results. I am not sure about ammolock or prime. They do not really eliminate your ammonia, just binde to it and detoxify it. Some will cause the test to read the same and some will give a false impression of removal of the ammonia. Once the addative breaksdown, you are still stuck with the ammonia minus what was processed into nitrites.