

New Member
Can adding more live rock to my tank cause the ammonia to go up. The ammonia levels was zero and a day after i added more live rock the level has gone to 0.08 mg/l.
Can turbo snails survive in these levels, because I have some serious diatoms growing in the tank.


Live Rock that is added to a tank could definately cause a little ammonia spike. It is the die-off from the LR that causes this. I am not sure if the snails will make it , but if the ammonia stays somewhat low and for not a long period of time, they might be ok???? HTH


Active Member
Yes, adding LR to your tank can send the ammonia back up.
Are the snails already in your tank? If not, I wouldn't add them just yet. Your ammonia and nitrites should both be zero before it's safe to add anything.
Diatoms aren't pleasant to look at, but they will go away without risking lives.


New Member
Thanx. luckily the snails are not in yet. I am just extremely tired of waiting. Its been 4 long weeks. So basically the tank will go through a mini cycle again?


Active Member
If you're that far into the cycle, I don't think it should have too much of an effect. The ammonia will probably be right back down in a day or two.