Amonia levels way to high HELP!!!


Hi all
I have a 55 Gallon tank, running a magnum 350 with bio-wheel 30, and a whisper 60 with 2 powerheads.
I added some new fiji live rock (30lbs) yesterday, that I recieved overnight from a dealer. It was "cured' or so they say.
I added the rock around 1 pm and last night at 8, the amonia levels where between 1.5 and 3.0.(Using a tetratest kit)
This morning the levels where around the same, maybe a little closer to 1.5.
Ph is 8.2
Nitrates, 0.3
Sg 1.025
Temp 79
Obviously the levels are to high, what I am looking for here is advice on this situation.
I have 2 percs in the tank, that this morning looked a little stressed, but are still alive.
Now I was told that the levels may spike, but is this high of a level the norm?
How long should I expect this level to be that high?
Should I add anything (chemicals) to lower the levels? or should i let my filtration system do the work?
any and all input is welcome.


Active Member
by adding the shipped rock right to your tank, the die-off caused a mini cycle in your tank. try moving your percs to a qt until water stabilizes again


Active Member
it would be alright if you didnt have fish in there. I am going to add all my rock at the same time to cycle my tank that is why I am waiting lol dont want spend money just to kill it lol. But I hope everyting works out for your fish and I hope they live.


I appreciate the responses.
I took a ride out to our local specialty marine fish store, and got some good advice.
For the record, I used a product called PRIME, by Seachem. Used to detoxify amonia, etc.
The Fish seem to be doing MUCH better today.
I look forward to stabilizing the tank, letting it cycle, then taking a few pics for you folks to see.
One more question. I am going to have a fowlr tank. Some say I do need a protien skimmer, some say not necessary do to the amount of filtration I already have.
I am going to err on the side of caution and get one.If for nothing else, to make the conditions nicer for my little fishy's.
Any suggestions as to a good HANG -ON type skimmer.
thanks again for all the input


Active Member
In a fish only you wouldnt have to have one but ppl would say to get one cause it would just be extra filtration and IMO it is and would ok to get one or go with out it is really a prefferable diffrance. In a fish only a CPR backpack a CPR backpack 2 or a prizim would be fine.


New Member
Has your tank cycled yet? Sounds like no. Don't add anything else living till your ammonia 0ppm and nitrite 0ppm, you will then have nitrate. Just keep that low! Don't do a water change until you have cycled or it will take a lot longer. Just FYI


Active Member
Don't worry, buying a protein skimmer is a much better idea than not having one. I strongly recommend having one.
However, I would either go with a CPR BakPak or Excalibur.