Amonia overload


:confused: Last Saturday when I tested my water my Ammonia tested high(2-3) so I did a 25% water change right then and the next morning. Well, by late sunday morning it did not lower? So, I went to the LFS and bought ammonia lock 2, which said after you add to your tank to wait a week before testing the water again.(I added some biozyme in with it too.) Well, I tested it again this morning and it is still reading at around 2-3! So i did another 25% water change today. Is there anything else I can do?? PH, Nitrites,nitrates,saltinity, are all fine. My fish seem ok also. Have had the same fish all along. I've had the tank about 6 months.

aqua blue

Hello Saltysyd.
Others on this board with more knowledge will be able to help you more than I probably can but I would question the test kit.
That sounds like a high ammonia reading for a 6 month old tank.
As far as I know Ammo Lock will still allow the ammonia to show up on tests but it is "supposed" to make it not toxic to the fish. I don't have any actual experience with this product.
The water changes should have lowered the ammonia enough to notice the change. Something else may be causing the problem but I would check the test kit. Mabye your local fish store can test a sample of your water to verify this. Just a thought.
Good Luck:)


Have you figured out where the spike came from? Are all your fish/inverts accounted for? Have you added any LR recently that wasn't cured?


have u done anything diffrent to the tank in the last 2 weeks? also have u cleaned ur filter or replaced it? have you moved or remove any sand or rock from the tank? have u changed food, are u over feeding? is there any left over food in the tank?
for using cycle ! i have used this a number of times and it's good stuff... saved me some fish, but the ammonia will still show in the test kit, dont worry about it. and once u add ammonia lock 2 dont do a water change, or ur just removing the stuff u put in. it says in the bottle u can dose 3 time b4 needing a water change.. good luck and let us know if u find the problem...