Amonia spikes


I'm a little :confused: if LR is so good for your tank, how come there is a certain amount (reccomended)you can add to the tank at one time? Why can't you just put in as much as you want with lifestock already in the tank? Then I here it's because it will create a AMMONIA SPIKE,why will this happen if it has already been in the LFS tanks, why can't you just transport it from one tank to the other because I understand as long as you keep it wet(to prevent die off) you don't need to acclimate it :rolleyes:

kris walker

Active Member
It is only a recommendation, not a must-do. It is really a question of how much you trust your lfs to give you 100% cured LR. If you trust them completely, then go ahead and get it all at once.
Also, LR can be "dry" for a short period of time without resulting in dieoff when you put it in tank.


Active Member
I have added as much as 30 pounds at one time.As long as the rock is cured go for it.I personally have a great lfs.They are very knowledgeable,dependable and take care of me.I'm constantly getting freebe's and discounts.If you know the rock is cured then I would add it at your own pace.


I recently added 5lbs to an established tank and noticed an ammonia "rise". I caught it just in time and started H2O changes daily until things leveled out again.
It really gets down to how much do you trust your LFS. I trust mine, but not with my tank. After a couple of mishaps, you learn to monitor a take extra steps to avoid problems before they happen.
Good luck.


Active Member
i fyou get it from an lfs you can trust, and know it is well cycled, you should be fine, i just don't like chancing the lives of my lil buddies, so i'll try to not add oto much at once, but if you can't be 100% sure, or mo, i'd definitely add small amounts(2 or 3 lbs in my 75 with 110 lbs in it now)


If you were to have a ammonia spike after adding the live rock how soon would this happen? I added 11# (in my year old 75 gal)a week ago and everything reads zero as far as nitrites, nitrates and ammonia? A'm I safe?