Amount of waterflow in 55 gallon


Im setting up a 55 gallon and have a sump w/ a mag drive and quite frankly ive had it for awhile and the stickers fell off, so I have no way of determining that GPH flow rate...
but I need powerheads and am asking is there a rule of thumb for GPH in a 55 gallon??


Active Member
unless keeping ponies or something, i would try to get about 1000gph. YES, 1000 not 100. I liek to see a minimum of 10x your gallon er hour, but prefer it to be closer to 20 x and would use a minimum of 3 power heads personally


ok, what do you think about those rotating powerheads? should i just subsitute for another powerhead instead?


Don't buy those rotating ones - every person I have heard about,talked to, or seen with them has had them break.
Great powerheads - Maxi Jet 900's - think they push 230gph great power consumption, very adjustable - I have 2 and an emperor 400 filter(400gph) on my 55, and the water is moving pretty good


oregonbud - I'm setting up a 55g and am using the Emperor 400. Two questions for you - where are your 900 ph's located and do you have a problem with water movement on the opposite side of the tank from the Emperor 400? I put the Emperor on the back wall, right side of the tank. The top of the water on the left side doesn't seem to be moving much. Thanks for your response.