Amphipod Infestation


New Member
I have noticed a large increase in "Sand Flea" or whatever you want to call them ( I have heard that some people call them sand fleas) but they are tiny little crustaceans. I had a purple lobster that apparently got fat on them but now he is gone, and I am being over run. Does anyone have these same little critters in their tanks? I am going to add a Coral Banded Shrimp in the near future to help control my bristle worm population do you think he might help? I can't find any direct information on these little guys or what eats them. The Lobster is out of the question he was a little too agressive and I lost a lot of other crustaceans I had in there. Please if anyone knows what I am talking about I would love some advice!


I have a Mandarin and he eats pods. He is my favorite fish in the tank.


Could get a mandarain (or many other dragonets) or many other fish that love to eat them like many sand sifters.
Do not get a madarin unless you have somewhere that the pods can multiply and keep up thier population or you will starve your mandarin to death in a short period. I speak from experience.


New Member
I actually had a mandarin up until a year ago, this just downed on me about the time I sent my thread in. I am planning on getting another one. And Snookedsteve I did have that mandarin for a while and I did have him eating some dried shrimp pellets that sank. he would eat those up like crazy, I know that all the liturature you read says they won't eat processed food but this one did so it is possible. don't fear them they are beauties!!!!!!!


New Member
I have a few mythirix crabs and hermits, and that avatar are my pride and joy babies Russel and Josie. together with that anemone for about two years now.