Amphipods, copopods, isopods


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
I don't think anyone has a sponge filter for the intake of a skimmer, maybe under the output like I do, but not in the intake.
Ooops, sorry was thinking of exhaust and typed intake. I really should proofread.


Active Member
I have a sponge filter on the intake of my skimmer :p
BTW, wanted to add that even amphipods and copepods can be destructive if kept in a tank with no fish to feed on them. I have a coral-only tank, and until I got my psychedelic mandarin, the amphipods were so numerous that they started eating polyps and biting up my sea cucumber.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
I have a sponge filter on the intake of my skimmer :p
BTW, wanted to add that even amphipods and copepods can be destructive if kept in a tank with no fish to feed on them. I have a coral-only tank, and until I got my psychedelic mandarin, the amphipods were so numerous that they started eating polyps and biting up my sea cucumber.
Yikes, I never planned on getting a dragonet, but this poor little scooter blenny was at this hole in the wall place in the backwoods part of town I visited a week ago, and I just had to try to save him. He was so thin and frantic in the little cube he was held in, but has since become more healthy looking and does eat the frozen foods at the same time. For some reason my pair of clowns even allow him to bunk up at night with them in their cave. I can't really get to the back two walls in my corner tank and he does a damn fine job of picking off the copepods that are going nuts back there.