Amphipods or Copepods?


I got my tank cycling ATM (been that way for 4-5 days now) with some liverock. I guess the conditions in my tank are rather liveable since my feather duster hitchhikers are alive and well... however I see no amphpods or copepods in my tank at all... I found a site that sells these guys. I would like to buy some to put in my tank, in hopes that if I buy these they will reproduce a bit and at some point I can buy a fish that eats em (like a goby or dragonet of some kind) (yes I have a refugium too, i just havent set it up yet).
What id like to know is, which would be more beneficial to add, copepods or amphipods? Which are easier to maintain? how do I feed them or maintain them? and will they eat my baby featherdusters or harm any fish? does it matter for gobies and the like whether its one kind of pod or the other?
If anyone needs more info i can send you a link to this site. Also free prioriity shipping on them, so I guess its a good place to order from. (but please help with my question ^__^)


I am just a newbie so take what I say with a grain of salt. I recently set up a small reef, no fish, tank. I too did not see any amphipods or copepods for quite some time in the cycle. I did see the same things you saw, small feather duters, couple small star fish. However once my cycle was complete I started to see the small amps and copes on the rock or in the water. My tank has been completely cycled now for a couple of months and I have tons of them ( I guess so many because there are not fish in there eating them). Maybe your tank is like mine and you won't start to see them until you have completed the cycle. Hope that helps


I think you need to complete that cycle 1st, In time you should start seeing them . I would think the only reason to buy them is that you have a fish that eats them and you are not producing enough to keep it alive. Also once you get that Fuge going you should have no probelm keeping more then enough around!
Good Luck !


I agree with symon. Relax and slow down. You said it yourself, tank has been cycling for a couple of days now. How fast do you think the life cycle happens? The world wasnt created in a day neither will your man made eco-sytstem.
Not to flame you but the key to good reef and fish keeping is to be patient. Things happen right in front of your eyes and you WILL be amazed at the different things you find as the weeks go along. That is the whole fun part of it. The fish are the display. Agreed that is the end result, but in all reality, you are creating a small underwater world for your future inhabitants. Focusing on the stability of your system should be priority one.
Give it time, the nitrogen cycle will be complete soon and you will be amazed by the different things you see in your tank. I didnt put fish in my tank for 1.5 months after the cycle. Had to be 100% sure it was ready for fish.
Go S L O W... and enjoy the hobby. When you rush... you fail. Ask anyone who knows first hand.
Again, not trying to flame but it is best to be sure than to rush. Once you get stable levels and tank cycles, if you decide to go with a goby, get the pods. He'll love it! Good luck!


Active Member
I agree with all the others about slowing down and waiting. You may have them in your tank and just not know it yet. For those of you who are asking to buy pods one thing you can do is go to your LFS and ask for some of the small rubble and crud that is at the bottom of their LR tank. This is where the pods live and you should get some in your tank. Then give it a little time and you will have pods in your tank. Cheaper too than the webistes that I have heard sell about 100 for $25.


lol I am going slow! I just thought it might come in handy to add more at this point so when I start buying fish Ill have more than I would have normally hahah... if its a bad idea i wont.. all I want to know is if this would harm my tank or lengthen the cycle in any way... and if pods would eat my baby featherdusters...
But im not REALLY ina hurry


Active Member
Could you please email them to me also. I need to get some or my Scooter Blenny is going to starve, because I didn't research and I bought it before they were able to establish themselves. Thanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Travis89
Could you please email them to me also. I need to get some or my Scooter Blenny is going to starve, because I didn't research and I bought it before they were able to establish themselves. Thanks.

Hey, try some live brine shrimp. My scooter eats that, and I think he is also grabbing some of the frozen food I put in my tank besides pods.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
Hey, try some live brine shrimp. My scooter eats that, and I think he is also grabbing some of the frozen food I put in my tank besides pods.
I do feed live brine but I can't always get it. And yes he does pick frozen mysis and pellets off the bottom if they float down in front of him. I just want the pods so I don't have to worry about him not having a steady food source, I would culture them so I would always have them reproducing.
Thanks for the suggestion though.
