Amquel Plus in NON-Cycled QT tank. Do I just let it cycle?


Just searched, looks like about the same price as my lfs. Let me ask you a question, do you keep your QT tank up and running all the time? If so, what do you have in it?


Funny you should ask.
Up until my first fish ICH break-out I haven't. I just am finishing up the HYPO treatment on 3 of my fish.
FROM NOW ON I will keep a QT tank setup at all times and Quarantine all new fish. ICH is terrible and a month of stress on you and your fish.
Keeping a QT tank around is a must for me and probably everybody in the saltwater hobbie.
In my QT tank I have some fake coral, few rocks (not live), and a med. size PVC pipe for hiding.
I don't paint it or anything.
Hope that helps.


now when you say you will keep it up, are you just planning on keeping it running or are you going to put a fish in it so it isn't empty while not in use? Also, if you do plan on putting a fish in there, what do you do with it once you need the QT again?


Up and running means, fishless until I need it.
I will only use the QT tank for new fish (observe in there for ICH or diseases for 4 weeks, then transfer to my main display) and for a disease treatment of current fish.
Otherwise, fishless just with a heater, filter, and powerhead.