Originally Posted by xDave
I'd find a new store because I wouldn't trust anybody that gave advice that was that bad on so many levels. Eliminating ammonia during the cycle only slows it down. the ammonia will still show up in testing when you use Amquel so you wouldn't be able to tell if it worked and may over dose, especially during cycling. If you have an ammonia reading of 0 why would they suggest a product that only has one purpose, shielding ammonia?
Amquell plus is for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, chlorine, and chloramine. But I 100% agree that they should not have recomnded it for a cycle. That product is ok if you have sick fish and your QT is only half cycled and you need to treat the fish ASAP. It does work in a pinch, but not a good idea for a cycling display.