Amquel + ????


Just wanted to see if you guys thought that use of Amquel + was a good idea to lower the nitrates quickly in a reef tank. I have heard mixed opinions.:notsure:
IMO it wont hurt... but it want solve your problem. Using any chemical to cure your water will simply remove whatever it is your trying to remove(if it works), however chances are in the future you will have the problem again. The best thing to do is to find the source for your poor water conditions and correct it. For instance maybe you need to cut back on feeding, or perhaps your filtration isnt up to par. HTH


that is the problem, we cant find the problem. We have tried everything, even a 30% water change every other week. We only feed every other day, 2 cubes of frozen food. and our nitrate reading wont drop below 40 ppm.


I wouldn't try it again. I tried it awhile back and i lost everything. Killed all my fish. It lowered the ph really fast, i couldn't keep up with it. It settles in your substrate so be carefull. Keep an eye on your ph if you do use it.


Active Member
Have you compared the readings to another test kit? When I first started I used a certain brand of test kit and always read that my nitrates were high, but then with a better known kit it read much lower.


you know I was thinking that, because all my other readings come out fine, and everything seems to be doing really well.
I have several LPS and a couple of anenomes and fish and nothing seems to be stressed, maybe you are right. I will try a new kit out. Thanks.


Active Member
I wouldn't use it. Seems risky to me... if to much is added and it stills the ammonia and nitrites from the converting bacteria, if that bacteria dies then you will go through a new cycle.
na827, that's tough... sorry to hear that.


Active Member
I would confirm your readings with another kit. Some kits go bad if they are not tightly sealed. What brand are you using?
Amquel does not remove any of the ammonia, nitrates just binds them up to "nontoxic" forms. They are still present in your tank. In addition, it will cause false positive readings on many test kits for MONTHS after you use it.
IMO, the ONLY time to use Amquel+ is if you have to mix up an emergency batch of water using tap water to neutralize the chlorine. If you are in that situation, drastic times call for drastic measures.


I kept a saltwater tank as part of a year-long science project in high school with a friend of mine. All our levels stabilized quickly, but then the nitrates skyrocketed. They were so high that the tests couldn't read them, way past the level of being considered dangerous. We did 10% daily water changes, and nothing. Then daily 20%...and nothing. We took more than half the water out of the tank and replaced it with new water, and it hardly brought them down at all. (Yes, I know now that it's veryy bad to do that--but we didn't lose ANY fish or inverts!)
What finally brought them down was AmQuel+. There was a huge difference after the first dose, and I believe a week later we did a 20% water change and added a second dose of AmQuel+, and then it broughts the nitrates down to zero. It didn't affect any of our other readings in any way, and we never had a nitrate problem again.
We also used saltwater Biozyme when we did the HUGE water change, so that could have played a part as well. But I still use AmQuel+ in my tank at home whenever I lose a fish/coral/invert, and I've never had ammonia or nitrites higher than 0, and I've never had nitrates higher than between 0 and whatever the next reading is.
I had a pH problem at one point, I don't think it was related to the AmQuel+, but I used Searchem pH Buffer 8.3 as recommended by my LFS, and it worked perfectly.
IMO, I love AmQuel+. I work at a pet store and I recommend it to all my customers who have problems with ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate, and everyone's told me it's worked for them. I haven't heard of any related fatalities, either.
This may help you as well, what I had in the tanks at the time of treatments.
I had in the tank at school (if I can remember):
1 largeeee 3-striped damsel
1 large blue damsel
1 smallish false percula
3 orange linkias
3 bigger hermit crabs
6 really little hermit crabs
And in my home tank right now:
1 medium-sized blue velvet damsel
1 medium-sized palse percula
1 small/medium yellow tang
1 smallish coral beauty
2 purple tree leathers
1 small colony of maroon mushrooms
1 small colony of green/blue mushrooms
1 pink-tipped haitian anemone
1 bubble-tip anemone
1 cleaner shrimp
1 sea slug (it's light blue and yellow, very pretty, dunno what kind)
1 toadstool leather
2 colonies of green star polyps
1 colony of reddish star polyps
and a whole crapload of turbo snails, little blue-legged hermits, little scarlet hermits, and live rock.
I agree with trying to find the source of the problem of course, but I also think you shouldn't waste time trying to figure it out when you can act now for at least a temporary solution to your problem. After all, you don't want to lose any livestock. Good luck and I'll be happy to help in any way I can. :joy: