amyloodidium or cyptocaryon?


New Member
There is a infestation in my tank that I'm currently treating with hyposalinity treatment. I'm really not sure what the pathogen in my tank is. The symptoms are as follows: scraching, increased respiration, and hazy film like marks on the body. Are these symptoms of amyloodidium of cypto? Or could it be bacterial. My fish have had these symptoms for a while.


All the symptoms are identical to both ****** and amyloodinium (odidium). The only thing that seperates the two is rapid breathing. This is the only dead give away. Your fish have odidium.
Treatment is a copper based medication in a quarantine tank. Fast action is needed, in that this is a very fast killing desease. Do not add copper to your main tank. It needs to be in a seperate quarantine tank with no substrate on the bottom. You will see improvement very quickly with this meathod, which is needed 'cause the desease is leathal.
Fit your aquarium with a UV filter to help control outbreak in the future. This works for both deseases. Highly recomend this preventative proceedure.
The only thing that concerns me with my assumption is that you say they have had it for awhile. Odidium acts very quickly and is not associated with they had it for a while. Make sure that the rapid breathing is a reality, though this treatment will treat both deseases successfully.
Good luck...


New Member
My water parameters are excellent and have been since my tank was cycled about four months ago.
ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, and my ph is 8.2.
I just went to my lfs and bought a lab style glass hydrometer. I tried to find a refractometer but they didn't even know what one was. When I got home and used the glass hydrometer I discovered just how inaccurate a swing arm hydrometer is. How can the lfs sell such a defective device? Now my salinity is at 1.009 and the copper I was trying to treat my fish with is currently being removed with a poly filter, and by the water i changed to lower my salinity. A friend of my told me I could try and use melaluca for a bacteria infection. Would this be ok. Melaluca is a natural antibiotic from a plant in Australia. My friend used melaluca to treat a bacterial outbreak in his freshwater tank and was very successful. The package says it can also be used in saltwater. Would melaluca be ok to use as treatment?